The Goddess of Fire Flames and Her Dark Council

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The caveman Borg was quite informative, answering almost all my questions as he had been an assistant in the project. I finally understood the general details about this so-called Galadra's Eye experiment.

As Blanche described, the original purpose was indeed to launch a sneak attack from the back to change the battle situation at the front lines. But unfortunately, it was discovered too early and all initial efforts were wasted.

Fortunately, although Borg was just a back-end staff providing support and logistics, his duties were quite diverse - covering food, lodging, hygiene etc. So through my interrogation, I still managed to uncover many inside details.

"So after your sneak attack army was surrounded and wiped out at the Atrlu Gorge, you guys decided to go all out and march south straight into the kingdom capital for revenge?"

I asked while levitating Borg in mid-air. If I sensed even a tiny bit of hesitation from him, I wouldn't mind letting him try out my new rapid free-fall tower invention.

I'm sure the experience would be exhilarating for him.

"Yes yes!"

Borg fawned obsequiously.

"I was against this. No no, I've always been against such invasive actions. They are too inhumane!"

"Oh please..."

I rolled my eyes. His acting was too exaggerated.

"Then why were you all so ostentatious along the way, summoning so many monsters before even reaching your destination? You even clashed with garrison troops in towns along the route."

This was one of Selene's earlier questions too. Back then, no one like Adrian could figure out the reasons behind revealing themselves so openly. Some even suspected ulterior motives.

"Well...there weren't many left on the other side. I heard only a few lizardmen and werewolves escaped the encirclement. So higher-ups were worried about the lack of manpower. They specifically sent a small force to protect and to retrieve the Celestial Weapon. But that ended up attracting even more kingdom troops for the purge..."

So it turned out to be a blunder? Looks like Adrian and co. were overthinking things.

"So no more reinforcements were sent later on?"

I deduced based on the subsequent situation at Tethys Town.

"Yes. Higher-ups felt concealment was more critical afterwards. So they sent a level 6 snake demon and level 5 werewolf to take over the transportation of the Celestial Weapon. The guards stationed on the other side were also pulled back. No more troops were summoned until the destination."

A level 6 snake demon and level 5 werewolf?

I was shocked. That was pretty high level!

"Why didn't you all just use flying monsters? Getting the Celestial Weapon flown straight into the royal capital would have been much faster right? Why still traverse treacherous mountain routes?"

The fact they could change transporters gave me this idea.

"I heard spatial turbulence around the Celestial Weapon was too chaotic. It affected flight."

Having followed the project from the start, Borg had probably seen the Celestial Weapon before. So he answered quickly.

"And higher-ups explicitly ruled out air transportation too. Can't conceal in the skies. The kingdom also has aerial troops. Interception would be disastrous. Land was the only option."

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