Vol 3/Chapter 17: Dinner Party 2

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"I'm sorry, everyone should be happy getting together, but I brought up something too formal and sad. My apologies," Nicola explained to us somewhat regretfully.

"No problem. The dead come first, we're lucky to survive, perhaps thanks to the blessings of those dead classmates..." I quickly expressed that I didn't mind.

At this moment, Cyra had just finished her prayer. Thinking of our current situation, she suddenly felt her eulogy was quite meaningful.

"It is said that in the eyes of the outside world, especially the True Church, Edenmere is often equated with heaven..."

"What a coincidence! What a coincidence!" Cyra awkwardly waved her hand. After all, she was unwilling to admit that we were currently in heaven.

Moreover, I felt the same way. After all, the impression of heaven is closer to a spiritual symbol, not the actual nest of angels.

"Eat, eat! I won't care about you if you don't eat!"

Seeing everyone standing there for a long time without recovering, Cyra plopped back into her chair and began to chomp on her steak.

"Hmm - This steak is delicious! What animal is it called again?"

"I think it's called a water lizard..."

I flipped the meat on my plate with a fork, not quite daring to bite into it. It was my first time eating this kind of animal. But seeing her eating with great relish, I could only try a bite first.

"Not bad!"

The taste was fine, but unfortunately, it was prepared in an exotic style which I wasn't quite used to eating.

"If there are ingredients, I can make a hometown version another day."

"I'll be waiting for that!"

As soon as Cyra heard that, she immediately raised her fork wanting me to set a date.

"Uh...let's talk about it later. I don't even know where to find ingredients in Edenmere yet."

I didn't dare make big promises. The dishes I had researched in Norvale before were successful only after many attempts.

The ingredients in this world seemed to be much more diverse than I had imagined. The texture of each animal's meat was very different and could not be generalized at all.

"Feliciana is good at cooking. In the capital, I only eat the meals she makes."

Nicola chimed in to encourage me.

"Don't make things difficult for me!"

I glared at her. I didn't want to get entangled in this issue further, so I lowered my head and took a sip of the refilled wine in my cup.

What a strange taste. Although it did have a wine flavour, I didn't like it. I felt it was much worse than beer. I didn't know if the angels made it themselves or brought it in from the outside world. Anyway, I felt this wine wasn't worth it and eating the dishes was better.

"I also want to eat the dishes Feliciana makes."

After tasting some of the food in front of her, Reed suddenly spoke up.


Now I have a headache. Why did everyone want me to cook?

"Angels in Edenmere don't need to eat in the first place. Our gathering here to dine is already an extravagance. Where would there be a kitchen for me to cook?"

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