Slipping away

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"Cross over..."

I suddenly had a brainwave. I quickly pulled Nicola aside and whispered:

"Do you think this might have something to do with us transmigrating here? Remember, our souls crossed over..."

"You mean the original souls that inhabited these bodies?"

Nicola immediately caught on.

"Yeah! Maybe the original angel who owned this body was some powerful being. She's usually dormant, but became active when I lost consciousness!"

I combined various plot lines from online novels, coming up with what seemed a reasonable explanation.


Nicola looked at me doubtfully.

"We both crossed over, how come nothing happened to me? And I don't see any other personality taking over when you sleep, do I?"

I was rendered speechless.

"Plus, you said she was powerful, why would she be suppressed by a small fry like you? Needing you to be unconscious before making trouble?"

She poked another hole in my theory.

"And don't forget, you also lost consciousness when the vampire hurt you, but nothing happened."

"Okay, you make good points!"

Battered by Nicola's barrage, I conceded defeat.

"But it might be related to a strange dream I had before waking up. I feel like I was dreaming the whole time..."

Since we were on the topic, I revealed all my doubts.

"Oh? A dream? What was it about?"

Nicola's interest was piqued.

"I...can't remember..."

I hesitated, unsure what to say.

"I know I dreamt something, but the details are gone..."

For dreams, this was common - waking up barely recalling them. But this was likely an important dream!

"It had something to do with blue wings!"

That was the only fragment I could dredge up.


Nicola looked at me skeptically.

"Isn't that just déjà vu? Hearing me mention blue wings made you feel like you'd seen them before?"


I bristled, annoyed she called it déjà vu. But wasn't that a prime example of it?

"Fine, you may be right!"

"What do you think then? Don't forget we're in the same boat. Be careful or you might get taken over if you lose consciousness!"

Afraid she'd dismiss it as not her problem, I tried to scare her.

"Maybe yellow wings! Imagine waking up with shit-colored wings...Oh, could be green, wings in the forgiveness color"

"Goddamn forgiveness color!"

Nicola nearly jumped up. As though someone had cuckolded her.

"I just feel we don't even understand how we crossed over and became angels. It's too early to consider this."

Unable to refute her, I conceded again. Indeed, we had many mysteries unsolved. My weird symptoms were just more troubles.

"What if I get replaced someday?"

Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation(1-3VOL)Where stories live. Discover now