Vol 3/Chapter 19: Reed Gets Angry

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I couldn't take it anymore and shouted. The visions before my eyes suddenly disappeared and everything returned to normal. We were still in the private room.

"Poisonous!" Nicola's voice came from the side. I looked over and saw that she had also collapsed on the floor, struggling to get up.

"I got dragged into this again..." Two hands suddenly landed on the table. Cyra's sleepy eyes slowly peered up from below.

"Even though we saw it once already, why do we have to suffer through this again? And it was even worse this time!"

"Reed, your spell went overboard. It's anti-human!" I sat in the chair for a long time before catching my breath and unleashing fierce criticism.

"And it affects everything around with no escape. There's no way to dodge it at all!"

"I agree! Too gross." Nicola was greatly disturbed mentally. Covering her mouth, she almost threw up.

"Protest denied. You are not humans anymore." Reed answered seriously.

"Besides, the weakness of this spell is obvious. It has no effect if you close your eyes. You didn't need to endure it for so long."

"Oh yeah! Why did I keep my eyes open?" Cyra knocked her forehead.

"How could I forget when this was the second time?"

"I think there was an irresistible attraction pulling my eyes toward the center at the beginning..." I recalled carefully. If it was just words or an image on a screen, the allure wouldn't be so great. But when the whole vision is filled, the sensation is completely different, like an exponential upgrade.

"Then the experiment to increase attraction can be declared successful." Reed nodded, seeming very satisfied. We had been her guinea pigs this whole time???

"The version Cyra and Elara saw a week ago had no allure effect. It just transformed images into rays of light using the light element. So closing their eyes was easy. Later I integrated psychology, visual imaging, color aesthetics and other fields to improve the patterns for maximum deterrence in a very short time."

She then explained the principles behind this spell in great detail. As expected of a top student, extensive reading made her formidable.

"Unfortunately, repeated exposure still causes gradual immunity, like me. I saw the same things as you just now."

"Even the caster is affected by this spell?" I asked dubiously, suddenly feeling uneasy and abandoning thoughts of learning this.

"In other words, you have to see those images every time you cast it?"

"Correct!" Reed affirmed decisively.

"From initially inventing this spell until now, I've probably seen it hundreds of times already. I'm completely immune to it. The effects are similar to temporary blindness from a regular flash spell at most."

"Hundreds of times!" Cyra shrieked and immediately threw up her hands to surrender.

"I'm not learning this anymore. Making me watch those images hundreds of times is murder!"

"Hundreds of times was just my count from initially developing this spell. You would probably only need a few dozen views of the finished product."

Reed thought about it and tried to comfort Cyra.

"Even dozens of times could kill me!"

Cyra firmly rejected the good intentions. Indeed, seeing those images even once was enough. Let alone dozens of times. Learning a spell like this was purely masochistic.

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