Vol 3/Chapter 22: Flying Lesson 2

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"Isn't it quite inappropriate to deceive Teacher Aetna like this?" I barely swallowed back the word "bully". I felt bad for the poor teacher. What kind of mess had she gotten herself into, being played like a fiddle?

It was only in Edenmere that one could find such a naive angelic teacher. If she was on Earth, she would be the typical easy victim, helping to count the money after being scammed.

"How is she pitiful? Didn't you see how fiercely she was yelling at me earlier?" Cyra said, clearly displeased. Suddenly recalling something, she looked at me mockingly.

"What's wrong? Are you captivated by the pretty and cute angel teacher already? Are you even speaking up for her? Let me think, who was it again that woke up so late this morning..."

"No way, don't spout nonsense!" I hadn't expected her to use this against me too. But after understanding Aetna's overly weak personality, even if Cyra exposed my tardiness, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Still, I did feel bad about insisting on the truth after lying to myself. I had no right to accuse others.

"Forget it, do whatever you want!" I conceded unhappily. But I couldn't help reminding Cyra, "You should still focus on your studies. It's not easy to have this opportunity that I couldn't even have in the outside world. Didn't you say you wanted to reach four wings during our stay? What if Elara doesn't allow you to leave Edenmere afterwards? Have you thought about that?"

"Oh...I forgot about that..." Cyra looked somewhat stunned. It seemed she had completely forgotten her promise.

I felt a tinge of despair. Could this girl deliver?

"Are you done?"

Seeing us chat for so long, Aetna finally worked up the courage to ask Cyra and me timidly.

"If you're done, I'll start class..."

"Yes, we're done!" I quickly nodded. She acted in this way mainly because of me. But when it comes to Cyra, she can still maintain some teacher-like manners.

Perhaps Aetna was more suited to being a neighbourhood elder sister than a teacher. She actually matched my imagination of an angel quite well, with no complaints about her looks or figure, apart from that slightly dangerous hairstyle.

"Let's continue our lesson in the air. Cyra, come up with us." After seeing everyone was ready, Aetna gestured and took the lead ascending into the sky. Hesitating for a moment, Cyra finally spread her wings to follow.

"Which of you wants to fly at full speed around the arena first? I want to observe your flying form." Aetna asked Nicola and I in midair.

"I'll go!" Nicola eagerly volunteered and rushed off without waiting for a response. Within a minute, she had circled and returned to her original spot.

"As I expected, you're purely relying on instinct to flap your wings. That would slow you down tremendously." Aetna laughed as she evaluated after watching Nicola's flight.

"You mean we shouldn't use instinct?" I couldn't help butting in. I had always taken for granted that flapping the wings must rely on instinct to fly. Her words completely shattered my assumptions.

"Instinct is enough if you only have one pair of wings, but with two pairs or more, you need to learn to adjust the angles of the other wings. Never flap them all together—the greater thrust would disrupt air currents and reduce speed."

Aetna finally demonstrated some teacher-like manners, patiently explaining to us.

"But I can't consciously control them..." This was the crux of the issue. I started feeling uneasy, afraid I might just drop straight down with one mistake.

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