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When the door opened again, I had already put on Eleanora's dress and walked out.

Wearing women's clothing has truly become second nature to me. I feel quite skilled at casually putting on a dress and walking out unfazed, though I suddenly feel somewhat embarrassed at this as a former boy.

Why do mage girls like wearing dresses so much? Both Selene and Eleanora often wear them, and even Vivianne has many, frequently asking me if they look good.

The clothes I bought for myself in the capital are more practical adventure garb, though not menswear, leaning more gender-neutral.

"You really do look prettier after changing outfits." Selene rarely compliments upon seeing my attire.

"What on earth were you wearing before!"

The others also nod in agreement.

"Well excuse me then!" I huff at Selene. We really are destined not to get along if you're critiquing my fashion too.

"Are you feeling better?" Adrian looks concerned as I emerge, asking kindly,

"If you're tired, you can go rest upstairs first."

Upstairs refers to the second floor accessible by a stairwell near the entrance.

"No need." I shake my head. It's still daytime, so even with less light element from the blocked sunlight, my strength can recover quickly.

"Then let's introduce ourselves first..." Seeing I'm fine, Adrian doesn't push it and turns to his teammates,

"You all know me already, no need for that."

"I'm Blanche, 5th tier Brawler." The girl who opened the door goes first.

"I'm Hayden, 4th tier Guardian Knight." Says the boy with the shield.

"I'm Eleanora, 4th tier Water Mage." Though I know her name, Eleanora introduces herself again.

"Alfred, 6th tier Swordsman."

Hearing 6th tier, I glance at him again. That's quite a high rank, on par with the Adventure Society's Strength Tester.

"I actually just got 6th tier certification recently, don't be too surprised. Treat me as 5th tier."

Seeing my expression, he smiles lightly and explains calmly.

"Still very impressive." I open my mouth, wanting to compliment more, but don't know what else to say.

Having finished their introductions, it's now Selene and my turn.

"I'm Selene, 4th tier Priest."

Selene eagerly stands to my right, with Alfred on her other side. I suspect she positioned herself there to get close to her idol.

"I'm Feliciana..." Oh no, this embarrassing 3rd tier! I hem and haw, finally deciding to sidestep the awkward issue with an alternative phrasing.

"4-winged Angel."

"Great, now we're all 4th tier and above!" Blanche excitedly comments. Higher strength means better survival odds in this beastly environment.

"Hahaha, yes indeed..." I force an awkward laugh while turning my face away in shame.

Back in school I was at least middle-of-the-pack, but to experience being dead last here is truly humiliating.

"Blanche suddenly came back early today and told us she rescued an angel and human being chased by monsters in the city. I thought I misheard her, truly unbelievable."

Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation(1-3VOL)Where stories live. Discover now