Vol 3/Chapter 40: Love grows over time?

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"Haha, just watch out! Although you are better at magic than me, I will not lose in swordsmanship!"

Upon hearing this, Cyra immediately picked up the wooden sword on the ground and rushed towards me, straight to the chest.

"Hey, the heart seems to be on the left side. How do you poke the right side?"

I blocked her attack with my sword and asked, what kind of trick is this?

"Hmph, there will be more later!"

Cyra smiled at me strangely, without answering, and then raised the sword from bottom to top, attacking my lower body.

"This... is nasty!"

When I saw this, I quickly took a few steps back and almost fell.

"Why nasty! Didn't you say that stabbing your right breast wasn't a serious injury? It's a serious injury after all, right?"

Cyra retorted proudly, giving me a chance to rebalance and not pursue further for the time being.

"You've gone too far!"

I don't have that thing now, so it's not a big deal. This guy is teasing me!

Although I am a woman now, isn't she the same? If the tiger doesn't show off its power, it will be treated as a sick cat!

So without saying a word, I thrust out the wooden sword and stabbed Cyra in the chest. Upon seeing this, the opponent immediately turned sideways and swung her sword sharply. She let out a mean laugh, circled to my left side, stretched out her claws and struck at my chest.


I quickly pushed her body away with my left hand and stabbed her back with my sword. However, Cyra suddenly dwarfed and avoided my counterattack, and then came up with the wooden sword and hit me directly at the bottom...

This trick again!

The moment she lowered her head, I had already expected that she would do this, and I was already prepared! I immediately took half a step back to leave her attack range, then raised one foot and stepped on the sword.

"Gan, you noticed it!"

Unexpectedly, Cyra let out a light chuckle, and suddenly changed her move midway, unfolded her wings, flew into the air, and struck at my head in the air.

"You're cheating!"

I didn't expect that she would play like this, with my feet still hanging in the air and unable to move! In a hurry, I had no choice but to roll to the side and avoid this move in a panic.

"How can this be? You said I cheated before, aren't you the same?"

I got up from the ground, patted the dust on myself, and yelled at Cyra in the sky in dissatisfaction.

"A soldier never tires of deceit! And this can only be regarded as a return gift. You just acted rogue twice."

Cyra landed back to the ground, folded her wings and retorted triumphantly to me.

"Besides, I don't need wings, my "Flirting with girls" swordsmanship can also make you desire more! "

"Ah! Are you sure it's not "Lewd" Swordsmanship? "

I clenched the wooden sword in my hand angrily and rushed towards her again.

"Hmph, easy to do!"

When Cyra saw my sword hitting her face, she tilted her head slightly and was about to fight back, but she didn't expect that a dazzling light suddenly erupt in front of her eyes.

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