Vol 3/Chapter 63: Classroom Inspection

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"Wow! So powerful?"

Before I could say anything, Juliet and Gwen were the first to exclaim.

"I heard the 'Lost Paradise Shockwave' is one of the most powerful high-level magic!"

"Yeah, not many angels can use it, right?"


As they discussed among themselves, I suddenly realized I had struck it big. I had somehow learned such a powerful spell just by chance. A miracle?

"You don't even know what magic you're using?"

Aria had a mocking expression on her face.


I didn't know! Of course, she didn't know I had just learned this spell, she probably thought I was pretending.

"Why are you so insistent on learning this magic from me?"

I still didn't quite understand. If it was really that simple, then I didn't mind teaching her.

"It's not about learning magic, it's about learning your method of being able to cast spells quickly without incantations. "

Aria corrected me word for word.

"Method? There's nothing special about my method!"

Incantations help control the elements, this is basic knowledge that I'm sure all angels understand. All I did was skip the incantation and directly control the element, no different than normal spellcasting without incantations. There is no special method at all!

The incantations can be simplified, but element control cannot be simplified. The only difference is that controlling the elements is easier for some people than others.

"That can't be. I can't cast spells like you can. You must have some secret trick!"

But she did not believe my words.

I suddenly understood. She must think I was using some kind of cheating tool like Phoebe's magic circle.

"You're overthinking it, I don't have any tricks!!"

I stated clearly once again. To be honest I felt very depressed. It was bad enough that Phoebe got first place by cheating, now I was being suspected along with her.

"I think you just don't want to share it!"

She didn't believe me at all. With a cold snort, she turned and left in a huff.

"I reckon this is another one of Reed's tricks. I'll just go ask her directly."


I was surprised she associated this with Reed. I wanted to stop her, but then I realized it didn't matter. She wouldn't find out anything anyway, plus Reed had moved out of the library yesterday. I didn't even know her new location, there was no guarantee Aria could find her.

"If you have a trick, you could teach me too, right?"

Seeing Aria leave, Juliet also wrongly assumed I had a secret. She offered,

"Don't worry! I absolutely won't tell anyone else."

"Don't listen to her nonsense! There's nothing!"

I was exasperated. Why did they both think I was hiding something?

A few more days passed after that. If you didn't pay attention to the tournament, life was back to how it was before.

"The basic knowledge from the memory infusion is all covered now, much faster than expected..."

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