Vol 3/Chapter 27 - The Bizarre Awakening

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"I see..."

I don't understand these theories, but since Elara is so confident about it with her prestige and capabilities, it's pretty much confirmed.

"But what does this have to do with the commanders attending the banquet?"

The big shots sitting across from me kept staring at me, making me rather nervous. They had already planned this out, so why did they need me? Don't tell me they want me to join them in the campaign against Michelle.

"It mainly has to do with the issue of Michelle's capabilities..."

Hearing my question, the Fourth Legion commander Janet, one of the ten winged angels, finally spoke up.

"The proposal for this operation came mainly from the Astralrealm Kingdom side. But for an enemy at Michelle's level, since we haven't seen her, it's hard to determine which tier her capabilities belong to. This concerns the entire campaign effort, so to be prudent, we wanted to hear your firsthand account one more time."

"But other than me and Nicola, weren't Hyden, Eleanora and Selene also there to witness everything? With three people's accounts, how could there possibly be any mistakes?" I asked doubtfully. Alfreed and Adrian didn't count since they were unconscious the whole time.

Did these commanders come back to Edenmere just to hear me and Nicola tell stories? Isn't that making a mountain out of a molehill?

"Humans' words cannot be fully trusted! Just listening to their one-sided story makes me uneasy."

Josie, the Second Legion commander sitting at the edge scoffed.

"If we weren't certain that angels were involved to corroborate the information from Edenmere's side, our legions would never risk getting dragged into this mess."

"This is..."

I suddenly felt tremendous pressure weighing down on me. I could sense her great displeasure towards humans. With this, wasn't the responsibility for everything now piled onto me?

I understood Astralrealm's eagerness to end the war, but to rashly launch such a major operation without fully grasping the enemy's capabilities seemed overly reckless to me.

To be honest, even as an eyewitness myself, I didn't know Michelle all that well either. I had only witnessed a small portion of her capabilities after all. If something unexpected were to happen during the decapitation strike, and I got blamed for providing inaccurate intelligence, wouldn't that spell disaster for me?

"It looks like everyone is hungry. There's no rush with this matter. We can take our time to discuss it while we eat..."

Sensing my dilemma, Elara quickly stepped in to smooth things over.

"Alright everyone, let's start eating!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the sound of clinking cutlery and soft chatter instantly filled the banquet hall, lightening up the atmosphere considerably.

"I can't help you out with this one... good luck yourself!"

Cyra had endured it for a long time already. She shook her head at me and picked up her cutlery, ready to heartily tuck into the food placed before her.

"I knew I shouldn't have come today!"

I bitterly bit into the Loftham mountain goat steak. The meal instantly lost all taste for me.


After the exhausting banquet finally ended, I dragged my weary body back to my room, mentally drained. I had been interrogated for hours by the three commanders, barely touching any food. I felt I had suffered a major loss.

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