Vol 3/Chapter 56: The Choice and Use of Magic

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With the referee's gesture from above, all the contestants in the competition rushed to cast magic on the "Dark Element Sphere" dozens of meters in front of them.

Right after it started, I took out my best Purification Spell, because, from experience, Purification Spells can automatically track those Dark Element spheres. It's guaranteed to hit every time, with no chance of missing.

Moreover, the power of Purification Spells is quite strong on its own. It's considered mid-tier magic in Edenmere.

But in comparison, the mid-tier magic I learned from Cyra in the morning felt useless. Although they were both light-based magic, most of the light elements were wasted and went into weird places. Especially when it came to damage against dark elements, the efficacy of Purification Spells was by far the highest.

In about a few seconds, I had already thrown out over a dozen Purification Spells. I felt my energy instantly drained, while the target sphere visibly shrank a tiny bit in diameter from afar.

It seems a bit slow...

While I rested to recover, I observed the situation around me.

That Phoebe was someone I couldn't overlook! As expected, I didn't see her chant at all. Using just that bit of time, she had already released a transparent, milky white light barrier covering her target ball from above. She was now preparing her second spell.

The second spell was high-tier magic. Even a top player like Phoebe needed chanting to help cast it. What concerned me most was that light barrier, because it looked very similar to the "Sanctum of Light" from my high-tier magic book.

According to the magic book, the "Sanctum of Light" is a spell that covers a certain area of ground under massive amounts of light elements. Hiding inside its light barrier can effectively reduce external magic damage, especially from dark elements. At the same time, it provides slight ongoing healing to angels inside.

I see! How did I not think of that earlier?

I immediately realized that even though this spell was classified as defensive and healing, precisely because of the continuous light element supply within its range, it resulted in ongoing corrosion damage against dark elements. Although the damage wasn't significant, its advantage was in being lasting!

Moreover, while the ongoing damage took effect, it allowed time to prepare other big spells at the same time, like the high-tier magic Phoebe was chanting to cast now.

She lived up to being the winner of the previous competition. Her opening move stood out so differently, taking the lead in skill while also very effectively reducing time wasted.

And don't forget, the "Sanctum of Light" was also a high-tier spell. For her to cast it out so quickly, it was either due to the aforementioned lack of need for chanting or she had done the chanting in advance during the countdown.

In contrast, the other eight-winged and six-winged angel competitors lacked experience. They just let their target sphere sit there while chanting spells.

If I hadn't gone through the various gaming skills on Earth, I probably wouldn't have realized this point either. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see how the light elements flowed when Phoebe cast "Sanctum of Light" earlier. Now I could only pin my hopes of learning high-tier magic on observing her next big move.

Due to the environmental influence, the light elements in my body recovered after a short while. This didn't stop me from observing the light element flow in Phoebe's body. I knew the Purification Spells so well I could fire them off instantly without needing to concentrate. Then I quickly drained my reserves again, going back into recovery mode...

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