Vol 3/Chapter 16: Dinner Party

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"Your body is very interesting..."

After examining Nicola's body briefly, Reed said.

"Although your body is made up of light elements like us, you can utilize wind elements to create physical weapons. This is something no other angel can do... Would you let me research you for a few days?"

"No...I can't!"

Nicola's body shuddered as she felt Reed looking at her like a lab rat.

She now deeply regretted summoning the Condensation Sword in front of Reed, it was like walking into a tiger's den.

"Then can I borrow that sword for a few days at least?"

Seeing Nicola's firm refusal, Reed looked disappointed, but she did not give up and set her sights on the Condensation Sword again. Her eyes were very sharp and she quickly noticed its extraordinary nature, immediately asking Nicola for it.

"No...this sword is very dangerous!"

Seeing Reed staring fixedly at the Condensation Sword in her hand still, Nicola's body trembled again, nearly losing her grip. She quickly dispelled the physical state of the sword.

"Let's not talk about this now. Let's go eat first, we can discuss more after the meal."

Seeing Reed's eagerness, Nicola was afraid she would stab herself with the sword immediately in the name of "experiment". This was no joke.

"Alright...remember to give it to me after the meal!"

Seeing no choice, Reed could only retract her gaze and nod at me.

"Then let's go quickly. I still have experiments to do..."

"This is..."

I was looking forward to this dinner. I didn't want it to end so quickly. Her words made me feel hopeless.

"Let's go! I'm starving!"

Cyra couldn't wait any longer. Seeing everyone had arrived, she hurriedly urged us to leave, even pretending to rub her belly, though she could not feel hungry.

The rest of us followed Cyra leading the way back without hesitation.

"You're finally leaving? How rare!"

When we returned to the lobby, the four-winged angel Mona was still at the counter. Seeing Reed walking among us, she couldn't believe her eyes.

"Yes, just going out for a meal. I'll be back later. Don't touch my books."

Reed nodded slightly in response, then gave her a few more instructions.


Watching us walk out of the door, it took Mona a long time to respond.

"You've been in the library for so many days. Don't you pay attention to personal hygiene at all? Aren't you afraid of body odour?"

I frowned. I felt Reed's learning attitude was a bit crazy. Although I didn't smell anything unpleasant from her, I still couldn't help asking.

"We are no longer humans now. Our bodies are completely made up of light elements, including bodily secretions like sweat.

Hearing my question, Reed gave a very professional explanation.

"So when they leave the body and are discharged externally, they will revert to dispersed light elements and dissipate directly into the air in a short time without leaving any trace. Also, angels have a very slow metabolism. With multiple factors combined, as long as we don't get too much dust in very dirty places, even if we don't bathe for years, we will be cleaner than humans who don't bathe for a day. So naturally there won't be any body odor."

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