Vol 3/Chapter 73: The Great "Blackout"

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"Of course it's true! This morning the Tivi Palace suddenly received multiple emergency internal reports, so I hurried over to notify those angels who were still asleep, to wake them up..."

When Norma saw that it was Cyra and me, she immediately asked anxiously.

"Where's Nicola?"

"She didn't come back last night, and didn't sleep in the city either, no problem!"

Cyra was stunned for a long time before reacting and quickly answered.

"That's good, you two didn't get hit, that's fortunate!"

Norma was relieved when she heard this and then continued to explain the situation.

"It is said that not only in the Tivi Palace, but also multiple reports in the city, and now it is suspected that there is not just one nightmare making trouble."

"But that's not possible! Nightmares belong to dark creatures, how could there be so many lurking in Edenmere?"

Could there be secret holes connecting Edenmere to the outside world? Or did the conservatives secretly bring in a lot of monsters?

When I thought of this, I suddenly remembered that the Fourth Legion had just returned from the outside world yesterday. Could it be related to them?

But at that moment, another accident happened.

I just felt that everything went dark, and the originally bright corridor suddenly became pitch black.

"Don't tell me, blackout?"

Cyra's dumbfounded voice came from beside me. After a pause, she continued:

"Oh right! There's no such thing as electricity in a place like this... But why did it suddenly turn dark?"

"What is this...did I go blind?"

Next was Norma's voice, which trembled. I suddenly felt someone's body lean towards me and grabbed my arm tightly.

"Cyra? Is that you?"

"No, it's me! You got the wrong person..."

I was also shocked for a long time before I came to my senses, and had to speak up to clarify. At the same time, I also shouted like the other person.

"Cyra, where are you?"

"I'm right here, but I can't see you guys either! What happened here, how could we not see anything?"

This time the voice came from behind me. You could tell she was also looking for me.

"These wings, they feel a bit too many...should be yours, right Feliciana?"

Finally, I felt my wings were also touched by a hand. But this rascal pulled out a feather in passing!

"Haha, the texture is still so good, nice!"

"!@¥%%......, Cyra!"

The pain made me want to curse, but in the brief light brought about when the feather turned into dots of light and disappeared, I could vaguely see the other person's cheeky face.

"Be serious, what's with pulling my feathers at a time like this!"

"Who made you pull out so many of my feathers last time? I'm just collecting some interest..."

The unrepentant voice came from the darkness again. It seems that although I apologized and compensated her for this matter, she still held some resentment.

"I just saw Cyra's face, so does that mean I'm not blind? But why is there suddenly no light here at all?"

Norma chimed in to ask anxiously.

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