Vol 3/Chapter 54: Learn On-Site?

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"nothing we can do if there is a time conflict... "

I was very disappointed that I couldn't watch Nicola's finals, but I was more concerned about the magic competition right now. There was less than half a day left and I was anxious.

"Aetina, can you help me with advanced magic again? After all, you were the one who encouraged me to sign up for the competition."

Although she had already said no demo was needed earlier, I kept asking.

"It's useless. With so little time left before the competition starts, it's too late to learn now."

Aetina shook her head, still refusing my request.

"I've heard from many friends earlier that my famous newborn angel student has been going around asking about advanced magic with a book... Even I would find it very difficult. After all, advanced magic spells take a long time to decipher."

"Then what should I do?"

I felt my heart sink when I heard that.

Angels are extremely talented. From the two-winged newborn state, they can easily cast advanced light magic spells, of course requiring they already learned how.

My opponents would know more than just one or two advanced spells. Just a few intermediate spells I learned from Cyra on-site definitely wouldn't be enough.

"I already said, learning magic from spells is a human approach. For angels, incantations can only play an assisting role at most, helping to understand elemental flows and new spell structures."

Aetina sighed and advised.

"So you reading this human-authored magic book over and over again is a waste of time. Since you have the talent, why not directly observe the elemental flows in others?"

"Isn't that what I'm trying to do?"

I was confused. After all that, she was suggesting the same thing I wanted to do!

"But no one is helping demonstrate, so how can I observe?"

"Or you could demonstrate another advanced spell you already know, so I can watch and learn without deciphering those incantations. That works too right?"

I immediately thought of a compromise. Any advanced spell would do, didn't have to be one I picked. I couldn't be picky anymore at this point.

"That's unnecessary..."

My teacher smiled wryly at my request. But as a mentor, she apparently couldn't resist my pestering and reluctantly agreed.

"Fine, let's go find an open space first then?"


I was overjoyed to finally get what I wanted after all that waiting. Just as I thought about flying up to find a good spot...

"Luckily you didn't leave yet..."

Suddenly an eight-winged angel flew over from the arena and said to Aetina.

"Yolanda had something urgent just now and needs to leave for a while. Can you help substitute as referee for a bit?"

"Huh? No way!"

I blurted out anxiously upon hearing that. I finally convinced Aetina to demonstrate magic for me, and now it's ruined again.

"She's your newborn angel student right?"

Hearing my reaction, the eight-winged angel glanced at me and jokingly said to Aetina.

"I heard she reached six wings in just a month. No wonder you're so stressed..."

Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation(1-3VOL)Where stories live. Discover now