Gained Some Courage

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But there was still a loophole in this theory, as it could not explain the large amount of dark elements present in the air.

We had already been in such an environment when we were in town. If we had teleported elsewhere, these dark elements should have instantly disappeared, unless we happened to teleport to another place with similarly high concentrations of them, though the chances seemed rather small.

"Do you think we might be in that 'Barren Land' you mentioned?"

I tried asking Selene again, hoping to confirm my guess. Besides, she had brought up something similar last night too.

"Unlikely!" Surprisingly, Selene denied my guess outright this time, very decisively.

"Apart from whether you could even fly there or not, I've seen the 'Barren Lands' with my own eyes from the border. Although that place also had this gravelly landscape, there were even more endless white sandy deserts as far as the eye could see. Now that it's daytime and bright out, you can clearly see this place looks completely different from there."

"Is there anywhere else with high concentrations of dark elements in the air, even exceeding the Barren Lands?"

"That's hard to say..."

Selene's voice sounded like she was racking her brains thinking about this question.

"Dark elements are scattered unevenly across Eldoria continent, not limited to underground hells. Any place without much sunlight tends to have more dark elements. Due to the cloud blocking sunlight, if this continues year-round, it's possible..."

"So you've also realized we might have teleported through space?"

Seeing her say all this, she must have realized it to some extent.

She fell silent for a while, but eventually admitted:

"Yes, I'm increasingly doubtful about it..."

I understood her. After all, this also meant it would be difficult for us to return to the capital.

"We've flown for so long yet still haven't seen Tethys Town, not even a shadow..."

Selene's voice sounded a little gloomy. I saw what she mentioned too.

Tethys Town was nestled among the mountains. It should have been below us, but the mountains here seemed to all be extensions of the volcanoes, completely barren without any greenery, clearly not where we were headed.

"There seems to be a small river down there though."

Reminded by her, I also looked down carefully for a long time before discerning a long, thin eastbound river meandering through the gravel wasteland.

But even so, there wasn't a hint of green on either riverbank.

"Looks like we really can't go back." I sighed, having flown for nearly an hour yet still seeing nothing but desolate emptiness.

"But even if we did teleport through space, why haven't I sensed any elemental traces?" This was what Selene still couldn't figure out.

"Exactly when and where did we teleport?"

"How would I know..." I smiled wryly. Suddenly I noticed many black dots appearing in the distance on the horizon, gradually increasing until densely packed together, seemingly many moving figures.

"Do you see that?" Seeing Selene also looking over, I strangely asked, "What are those things?"

"Can't see clearly." She shook her head in reply.

Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation(1-3VOL)Where stories live. Discover now