Chapter 39

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Even though we had gone straight to the hotel after the meal, I was tired the next day when we looked at the first apartment. It was one that Victoria had picked out and was a bit too much. Not that I couldn't afford this apartment, but it was just too big for me. Even if Max were to move in, 5.5 rooms would simply be too many.

"For what do I need so many rooms when I'm not here before. I said I was looking for a smaller apartment," I whispered to the brunette. I didn't want the broker to hear me directly.

Victoria just grinned at me: "They all say that and, in the end, you never have enough space, please get the apartment right at least once. Here you could spend the time between two race weekends well. And who knows, maybe you'll need all the rooms soon." Grinning, she looked at me and then her brother.

Before Max or I could say anything, the real estate agent started chatting about the apartment again and showed us the really impressive view. He probably assumed that the apartment was for Max and me, because he involved Max a lot.

"What do they say about the apartment?" the Lord then asked me and probably Max. Max just looked down at me as it would be my apartment or not. I, on the other hand, looked around again in the apartment, which was really nice, just too big.

I looked embarrassed to the real estate agent: "The apartment and the view are really nice, but it's just too big for me. I only spend the night here when I don't have to comment anywhere. I'm sorry we've taken their time, but this apartment won't.' The broker seemed to understand it and thanked us. Three of us left the apartment.

"You'll probably like the next one better," Victoria said straight away. I was just hoping that she had taken my wishes into account at the next apartment. I wasn't so sure about her, but I didn't want to judge prematurely.

Victoria sat in the back of the car while I was sitting next to Max in the passenger seat: "When will you get your driver's license again?" Since I already knew that I had to give it, I had given it to my mother before I left. So, she had sent him the same day as the letter came.

"If the race takes place at Silverstone," that would be mid-July. Actually, this sounds so long, but time is flying so fast at the moment, which is probably due to the different time zones. My body didn't come after anymore and so a permanent fatigue had occurred with me. Because when my body got used to one time zone, I flew back into another and my rhythm was gone again.

Victoria's eyes had grown, which I could see through the rear-view mirror: "That's so long, I could never get along without a driver's license for so long." I had to laugh slightly because Victoria was already a bit overdone. Max also grinned, but had to concentrate on the navigation system and the road." If you have such a charming and handsome driver, you can't complain. In addition, time flies just like in flight. In less than a month I'm already 20 years old, but it was just Christmas," I sighed. I didn't really like birthday, but Jessica certainly wouldn't let it take him to celebrate with me.

Curiously, the Dutchwoman leaned a little forward: "When do you have a birthday?" Shortly Max also looked at me, because he had noticed that he didn't know either. I was annoyed that I had addressed my birthday.

"May 11," I gave back only briefly. I hoped Victoria would be happy with it and the subject would have eaten. Actually, I should have known the Dutchwoman so well that she didn't. She briefly took her phone and appeared to look up as her eyes widened: "This is Saturday in Barcelona! We absolutely have to celebrate together, after all it's your 20th!"

"First, I prefer to celebrate my birthdays with friends and family over a nice meal. Secondly, my best friend Jessica is already planning something together with the others and thirdly I have to work in Barcelona, whether I have a birthday or not," I immediately clarified. I could see that both were not in my opinion.

Even Max, who had just stopped in a parking lot, looked at me seriously: "You only get 20 years and you should celebrate that. We can go out for dinner, but after that you go partying. I can't, unfortunately, but you should. No one will resent you for celebrating your birthday."

"What should I celebrate? That I'm getting older? What's nice so cool about getting old, you just get broken and sick. Definitely no reason to celebrate," I said, getting out. I wasn't the birthday person and I probably wouldn't be. Since this subject only pulled me down, I didn't want to talk about it anymore.

Luckily, the siblings let it be too, and we were able to dedicate ourselves to apartment number 2. Although it was still too big with 4.5 rooms, I had fallen in love with the balcony and the view. The rooms were just as great, so I couldn't say no.

"Did I know you can't resist this apartment," said a certain Dutchwoman. But I didn't have the apartment yet and further visits were waiting for us. But Victoria celebrated her little success before, which was almost embarrassing for her brother.

Max quickly pulled his sister out, while I apologized for the two and said goodbye. Outside, the siblings were waiting for me and still seemed to be zigzagging. What annoyed me slightly, I had no desire to spend the day with two arguing siblings.

"It's not embarrassing, you're always so jammed," Victoria quipped to her brother. Shortly I stayed a meter, from the two of them, which the siblings didn't really notice and made me slightly annoyed.

I walked past both of them towards the bus stop: "If you're busy arguing, I'll go alone to the next appointment." So, I had the attention of the two of them and immediately they stopped arguing. I couldn't take any more steps, because Max grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back. He held me in his arms.

"You certainly don't go anywhere without me, let alone a bus," he whispered to me. Before he let me go, he gave me another kiss on the forehead. The siblings had already forgotten the dispute and so I was able to get into a car with the two of them.

Max POV:

Victoria was busy with her phone and Hanna just stared out the window: "All right?" Hanna just nodded and looked further into the street, which I did. I just had to take a quick look at my girlfriend so I didn't build an accident.

If the radio wasn't on, there would be a weird mood, but even with radio it wasn't really pleasant: "Oh my God, have you heard that? Harry Styles is releasing a new album." I could only twist my eyes because I wasn't a Harry Styles or One Direction fan. Unfortunately, Hanna seemed to celebrate this guy just as much as my sister, so I would have liked to have slammed my head on the steering wheel, which is not possible while driving.

"We absolutely have to go to a concert together, it's going to be great", my sister planned everything euphorically. It's really great when Victoria gets along so well with Hanna, but my sister shouldn't take my girlfriend all the time. After all, it's still my girlfriend, for something she has her manager, Tom.

Unfortunately, Hanna had already agreed with her: "But please without me." Since I knew my little sister, she had certainly planned me and Tom too. Tom would later thank me for stopping them because we both didn't like this music.

"Oh, come brother, don't you like that. It would be a great double date with Tom and me," Vic tried to persuade me. Hanna also liked the idea of a double date, but I found it scary, especially when it was at a concert by Harry Styles. Knowing Vic's friend well enough, I knew he would share my views.

I shook my head: "Tom will tell you exactly the same thing as me. Without us men, you can go but without us. So, pasta! By the way, we're already there." This was the last apartment before noon and the first one that Hanna had chosen and with 2.5 rooms was the smallest.

"But it's small," Victoria escaped. I could only agree with her, because my storage room was felt bigger than the whole apartment. But I didn't want to influence Hanna in her decision, after all she had to live here. I will probably spend quite a lot of time here, as I will certainly not be sitting in Monaco while Hanna was here in Munich.

The broker had retreated a bit so that we could talk to each other: "The kitchen flies apart next time." Hanna had deliberately spoken Swiss German, which we more or less understood. Before that, she had communicated with me again and again in Swiss German and really made an effort to learn my language.

"Should we go out for dinner?" I asked my sister and Hanna. Like Hanna, I had used my mother tongue so that the broker could not understand us immediately. Even though he could understand fragments, we felt more protected in the conversation. Women agreed and we said goodbye to the broker. Hanna had also told him immediately that it would not be this apartment, which I was really grateful for. Even if it will be her apartment, I would have had little desire to sleep in such a quarry when I visited her.

As if it were the most normal thing, I put my arm over my girlfriend's shoulders. While we walked three times through the streets to look for a restaurant, the girls were chatting again about this boy band shit. Even at 20 they weren't out of the fever and I thought I'd rest after the band disbanded.

"How about Italians?" I had just discovered one. You could hardly do anything wrong with that, everyone likes Italian food. So, we sat down at the table for three.

While Vic was writing with Tom or anyone else, I looked at my girlfriend: "How many apartments are still available today?" To be honest, three apartments were already three too many for me. Moving around was too strenuous for me throughout, which is why I am in favor of us buying a house when we move in. Never move again after that.

"Three more, it wasn't that bad," I covered my face. Once again so many, the thought of it was already a torment, but for Hanna I would survive it. I slightly bowed out, which Hanna interpreted correctly and came to meet me for a kiss.

From my sister came a roar: "I'm still here. By the way, let's get a greeting from Tom and our parents. Dad won't be in Baku, but Mum and Tom. Mum really wants to get to know Hanna and Tom just has free." I was happy that Mum was coming. It would be even nicer if they both come, but they avoided each other as best they could. Not least because of the media.

"I'm still writing mum later, just greeting Tom back from us. At least a male reinforcement, with so many women around me," I told my sister. As my gaze glided back to Hanna, I could see that there was a comment on her lips.

I looked at her, "As if you don't like being surrounded by women."" But I only need one, and she's sitting opposite me," vic said. Since I was already romantic and already the sister ruined everything. Thankfully I looked at her as she made innocent as a child.

We had used the rest of the day for the three apartments, which had not exactly blown me over. But as I said, it was Hanna's thing, which apartment she wanted. She probably wouldn't live there for a long time anyway before we could move in together. In fact, she was just waiting for what Sky would decide. If she could stay in Formula One, she could go to the home office and work from Monaco. If she had to return to the reports, she could not leave Munich.

I was hoping so much that she could stay. I couldn't and couldn't imagine paddock without her. After all, I wanted to have her around me all the time and see what she was always at work. As much as I loved driving, she loved commenting and I didn't want to take this love from her.

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