Chapter 63

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Through the streets of Monte Carlo, Max navigated his car while I was drinking as much water as possible, so I had to go back to the toilet: "And do you feel something?"

"I feel an aqueous belly," I admitted. I hated the feeling, but Max would probably not leave me alone until I had done at least three early tests. I, on the other hand, was torn. Of course, I wanted certainty, but pregnancy scared me. I could lose everything, my job, my family and maybe Max. If it became too much for a man, he could just piss himself off, as a woman you couldn't run away. Finally, I had to squeeze the child out of me, this thought was already pushing fear beads on my forehead.

The thought somehow made me feel bad again: "I think I'll be bad if I keep drinking." Worried, Max looked at me from the side as I held the bottle closed and held on to my belly with one hand.

"We're right there," my friend reassured me. I nodded to him and tried to take the nausea away from breathing exercises because I didn't want to surrender at all. Nobody likes to do this, but I was almost disgusted by it, hopefully the nausea will be contained. Soothingly, Max put his hand on my knee, which really took the nausea out of me.

Almost by the sea, Max turned into the garage of a high-rise building: "Welcome to our home." He parked the car and bent over to me, more than just leaning towards him. I would have preferred to have stopped the time and would have stayed in the car forever and kissed Max. But it wasn't comfortable thanks to the center console, so we got rid of ourselves far too quickly.

Max lifted all the suitcases and bags out of the car so I didn't even get to lift anything. As at the airport, I was at least allowed to pull the suitcases behind me to the elevator, while the Dutchman was fully loaded with the other bags. I would have liked to have taken my travel bag from him at least, but he would probably have preferred to die rather than give it to me. At the moment I thought it was still sweet, but hopefully he wouldn't go through it for nine months if I was pregnant at all.

I always thought you had to feel this as a woman, but I didn't feel pregnant. Pretty normal I would even say, apart from passing or pulling in the breasts. Symptoms had only just begun this weekend and could also be a gastrointestinal flu and normal growth of the breasts. But it would probably be a big coincidence that both occurred exactly four weeks after my unprotected sex, whereby even such a full hit were actually quite luck or bad luck. I'd almost be sorry if you consider how many couples are really trying and it doesn't work out and we didn't even try it. The chance of getting pregnant once was so small, as you had to meet in exactly 48 hours in the fertile, but unfortunately it was not impossible.

Together with the luggage we had squeezed into the elevator, with Max meticulously taking care that nothing touched my stomach: "Even if there is a baby in me, then it is well protected and not in a glass bowl. I would feel it if something was wrong."

"Do you feel that's a kid?" Max asked me. Feeling normal with a still watery belly, I shook my head. Maybe I also had an overly romantic idea of being pregnant, in which the woman noticed it from the beginning and immediately knew that she was pregnant. But I didn't know and actually I didn't want to know, it just scared me.

Tired, I leaned against the wall and looked at Max, who was facing me: "Hopefully my friends and family don't mind our departure. But I'm glad we're at home. Even though I'm here for the first time." More funny, I really felt like I was coming home and not stepping into my friend's apartment for the first time.

When the elevator door opened, the apartment door was directly behind it, which Max opened with a key other than that for the elevator, so that only he could go to the top of his apartment. I had to admit that I thought it was kind of cool that you could go almost directly from the elevator to the apartment and not have a corridor. So really no one could get up here who didn't have the key to what I felt really safe with.

Do you belive in forever?     (Max Verstappen)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ