Chapter 67

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Tired, I lay on our sofa in the evening and waited for Max, who took a little longer than I needed in the bathroom. Which was also due to the fact that he had given me the precedence. So I could at least put my feet up a bit and take a closer look at the ultrasound image.

Dreamily , I stroked my stomach: "If you don't want to, we can also let the event whiz by." Max had come into the living room and looked at me caringly, which warmed my heart.

"Even though I wanted to spend time alone with you, we are expected. In addition, we should not be too conspicuous, as if we were going to the party as if everything were normal," I insisted that we leave. To make my point even clearer, I got up from the sofa and looked at the Dutchman in a request. He looked at me briefly critically before he came to me.

Without saying a word , he gave me a kiss on the temple: "But this time you always stay with me so that I can take care of you both and protect you." I didn't know what he wanted to protect me from at a Red Bull party. You could only get in anyway if you had an invitation to do so.

In advance, tabloids had offered me a bunch of money in recent weeks if I got photos and articles from tonight. I would never give them even a photo of a wall or floor. Such magazines were for me the purest scum and a disgrace for journalism. Not least because I knew that they would tear their mouths over me when they found out about the pregnancy.

"So that it does not stand out, I will take a champagne glass and pour it piece by piece into pots," I explained to Max about my plan. Otherwise he would have ripped the glass out of my hand with a big theater and everyone would probably know about the pregnancy after tonight.

My friend looked at me less enthusiastically when we were in the elevator: "But you don't take a sip." I nodded, because of course I wouldn't drink anything anymore. But if I am never seen with a champagne glass all evening, the rumor mill would probably burn faster than that we could say Formula 1.

Since you couldn't see anything yet, I had demonstratively put on a tight dress, so no one would probably come up with the idea of wanting to attach a pregnancy to me. Maybe I was thinking too much about it, but I just didn't want our little secret to be made public right now. After the last weeks and months, I just needed some rest around my person.

Tired, I leaned my head against the window pane as we sat in the car: " Let's not turn back, you look tired and tomorrow is a long day." Max wanted to start with the topic again, but I didn't want to make headlines because we hadn't been to a Red Bull party. After all, we had let them rush the night before, because I had not felt good.

"All the best, as soon as we are there, it will be better again," I promised him. Everyone knew these deep phases, I was just in such a phase. But if you were this breakthrough you were then again top fit and so it would probably go me again afterwards.

Luckily for me, Max had to concentrate on the traffic, so he couldn't say much more about it. From a distance I could already see the flash lights and carpet, which is why I quickly sat down properly and forced a big smile on my lips.

Max parked in front of the carpet: "Wait, I'll open the door for you." So that you could not see that he had given me this instruction, he had pressed his teeth on each other. I, in turn, had to stop myself from laughing, which is why I no longer had the fake smile but a real one on my lips.

As the Dutchman had said, he opened the car door for me and immediately held out his hand to help me: "Thank you." I still had to grin, which also made Max laugh. But I guess some photographers loved me right away, who cheerfully took pictures of us while someone parked Max's car .

Do you belive in forever?     (Max Verstappen)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora