Chapter 84

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"Do it, everyone is already looking at us," Max stressed me. Jason, on the other hand, didn't seem to mind that he had the attention of all customers in the supermarket. He continued to scream while I tried to calm him down, which, mind you, was of no use.

Stressed, I pushed the stroller to my boyfriend: "Then do it, it's supposedly so easy to shop with a baby." Without saying anything, he took it from me and took his brother out of the car. But it didn't really calm him down, which made me really uncomfortable.

When I wanted to give up and ask Kelly for advice, Max had made it by taking a stuffed animal from the shelf: "Really now?" My boyfriend just shrugged his shoulders and saw no problem with his solution. If Max always solves problems like this, our apartment will probably be flooded with plush toys.

"At least he doesn't scream anymore", since I preferred everything to people's attention, I left it at that. Instead, I continued to search the baby department for Jason-sized diapers and the baby milk powder. To my chagrin, there were thousands of varieties of diapers and milk.

Overwhelmed, I looked up at Max: "Should I take super soft or extra soft?" But he was just as overwhelmed as I was, for the reason I took a pack and ran to the next saleswoman who was just hanging baby clothes.

"Sorry, which diaper is better for a two-month-old baby?" I stretched out the packaging to her. She briefly looked back and forth between the products before listing me the advantages of each product did not really make me smarter.

Nevertheless, I smiled gratefully at her: "Thank you." So I turned around and just put extra soft back on the shelf and took two more packs of the super soft diaper, which I then put in our shopping cart.

"In the end, he just poops the marriage full and we change it again after two hours," I commented on my decision, "you can choose the milk." I left the decision to him, because the diapers were already difficult enough for me.

With Jason, Max went to the height of milk: "What do you feel like, Buddy? With lactose, without lactose, organic or not organic? Milk from the cow or goat?" If only we had looked at the baby products better at Jo's home, we would have known what Kelly was buying for the little one. But so we were optimally overwhelmed by the superfluous selection of products.

Since the two were busy, I could look around at the beginning of the shelf with the pregnancy things. Even though the unpleasant feeling was in me, I resolutely took several books about pregnancy and what would come after. I also put a cream in the car to prevent stretch marks, because I wanted to avoid these things if it was somehow possible.

"The one with the cow?", apparently Jason had opted for the organic cow's milk-based milk. Which was probably more due to the picture on the packaging than to the contents, but we accepted his decision without questioning.

So Max put the pack in the cart and pushed the stroller with one hand, as he still had Jason in his arms while I pushed the cart in front of me: "What else do we need?" So that I could look at my phone, I stopped briefly and ignored my Instagram notifications and went to my notes.

"We have salad, we have bread, we have milk, we have your vitamin things, yogurt, cheese, pasta, cream," I murmured down the list, "Pizza and frozen vegetables are still missing." Which is why we stopped briefly in the freezer department before we paid for our purchase, which briefly became a theater, as Jason had to give up his new stuffed animal briefly.

Nicely, the saleswoman first cashed in the animal and gave it back to me right away, since I now had Jason, as Max packed the purchase in the bags he had brought with him and paid. We thanked them and left the supermarket after over an hour. Since Max wanted to make sure that I didn't lift anything heavy, I had the task of planting myself around Jason in the car.

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