Chapter 134

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I was almost hit by the blow when we landed in Singapore, it wasn't the pure heat, more the humid hot. I was already sweating from my breath, I knew it was going to be bad. But that was really more than expected.

It didn't get any better when the work was added. I would have loved to stay in our hotel room all the time, but unfortunately it was not possible for me. So I tormented myself from one interview to another, always carrying a large bottle of water with me, as Max had ordered me to do.

"That's it for today," Leon said happily after the interview with Toto. We were all happy when we could just go to the hotel for a cold shower. It was only shortly after noon, but I wouldn't want to do much today.

We said a short goodbye to the Mercedes team boss before we left the motorhome: "See you tomorrow, I'll look for my better half and hope that I'll go back to the hotel."

"I don't think you had to look for him, he's already coming back there. But it doesn't look like a hotel, at least the whole gang is together. Have fun with whatever else you do," I groaned inwardly. As much as I loved the boys, I didn't feel like going anywhere else here in Singapore.

"There's my little Swiss dwarf," Daniel was too happy for my taste, "With your belly you're becoming more and more like one of Snow White's seven dwarfs."

"If you're not careful, I'll turn into a wicked witch and give you an apple to eat," I countered. A hungry and not feeling pregnant woman should not be irritated. Max also looked at me a little worried.

He brushed a strand of my hair to the side so that he could look me even better in the face: "You're very pale, aren't you feeling well?" In fact, I felt slightly nauseous, which was probably due to my circulation, which was struggling with the damp heat.

"I just need something in my stomach that isn't water," I tried to calm him down. If I had mentioned my circulation, I probably would have been on the plane home faster than I would have liked.

"Well then," Lando said happily, "let's get off quickly, before she really takes out another poisoned apple." Everyone started running, so I was almost forced to follow them, even though I didn't know where to go.

The heat made my legs feel even heavier than usual, which is why I needed a break even faster than usual: "Guys, no matter where you wanted to go, we'll take the car. My legs are already hurting and we're not even at the exit yet."

"Don't worry, none of us would walk the route. We want to go to one of the islands, Santosh to be more precise, it has a beach and it's really beautiful," Charles reassures me. So I just kept following them to the cars, where everyone got into their car, because we would all need the car to the hotel afterwards.

With the last of my strength, I let myself fall into the passenger seat: "Is everything really fine with you? You are so pale and your legs seem to be causing more problems than they were yesterday at the airport. I'm sure there's a gynecologist here or we'll go to the hospital."

"Max is all good, the warmth just doesn't make it so easy for me as a pregnant woman. Always carry a large watermelon around your belly with you through the paddock, it's nothing but normal. Please go, we need to go out for a bite to eat," after a nod he drove off.

The others now had a small lead on us, but I could live with that, let them wait for us. So I don't have to stand around for a long time when we arrive last.

"Have you read the letter yet?" Max came out of nowhere at some point, "I gave in to you before we went to the airport." He must have noticed that he did not know what letter he was talking about.

I shook my head: "It's on the table at home, it can wait until we get home." My boyfriend probably saw it a little differently. His expression became very serious as he continued to look at the streets.

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