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 "Remember when you see Colby, DON'T jump him! Keep your clothes ON! This is a family show." Denise teased me. "Shut the fuck up Necee! Corey isn't gonna be here so I can't tease you bitch! Besides, what if he WANTS the clothes to come off??" I was walking backwards, looking at her, when I felt my back run into someone else. I lost my balance, and felt myself fall, dropping my suitcase and bag in the process. "Ooof," a deep, familiar voice breathed out, as large warm hands caught me around the waist, before I could go down. The hands pushed me back up straight and steadied me, before pulling away. I was scared to turn around. The looks on my friends faces would have been comical, if I didn't know exactly what had just happened. All three of them had their mouths dropped open, eyes wide, and were frozen at a stand still. I would recognize that voice, even just that small sound, anywhere. Colby fucking Brock was standing behind me. And he touched me. And I was a grown woman, about to freak the fuck out! "You okay?" Shit! What do I say? Turn around, you idiot! While I berated myself inside my head, I saw Denise shake her head, apparently trying to clear it from the shock of seeing him or them. I didn't even know who all was behind me. She stepped forwards and took my hand, pulling me towards her, while turning me at the same time. I came face to face with Colby Brock, Sam Golbach, Jake Webber, Tara Yummy, and Brennen Taylor. And I had just said something about my clothes coming off. Let me die right now. My face was so hot, I thought my entire head was just going to burst into flames as I looked into those blue eyes that I had only seen through a screen. That stare was even more intense in person, along with that little smirk. Fuck. Necee nudged me in the back, reminding me that he had asked me a question. "Uh..y-yeah. Sorry. I should've been looking where I was going," I managed to somehow stutter out before needing to clear my throat. His eyes burned into mine, and I couldn't look away. I wanted to look away. I knew that my face looked like a damn tomato and I had been riding in a car all day. I'm sure that my makeup was worn off, my hair was a mess, and anything else that could be wrong with my looks, was wrong. The guys laughed lightly, and I managed to drag my eyes away from Colby to see Tara smile at us sympathetically, like she understood. "Are you guys here for Playlist?" Jake asked, folding his arms on top of Tara's head before plopping his head down on top of them. She rolled her eyes to the top of her head, like she was trying to see him, and the small smile on her face was full of nothing but love. They were so damn cute. "Yeah, we are. Um, we came to see..." Sarah's voice trailed off, as she tried to think of who else was even coming to Playlist. "Well fuck. I can't seem to remember anyone else that's coming." She shrugged and smiled, unbothered. "Guess I have to admit that we're here to see you guys then."How does she just act like that? I was internally freaking out just being this close to them and she's acting like she's known them for years! I hated her right then, just a little. I looked over to Denise, seeing her eyes still wide, as she met my gaze. "What the FUCK?" she mouthed to me silently. I just shook my head, sure that my eyes were as wide as hers. "I don't know!" I mouthed back. "Well, if you're sure you're okay, we're going to go get settled into our rooms. Seems like you guys were headed to do the same. Guess we'll see you around. You coming to the meet and greet?" Sam said, putting his card lock into the slot of the room they were standing in front of. Kenzie finally managed to unfreeze and sputter out a sentence. "Wouldn't miss it! We love you guys so much!" Really? She sounded like an overeager fan girl. They all nodded and smile. "We love you guys too. Thanks for the support. See you then!" Sam opened the door, and all of them smiled and waved. We just stood there like total idiots, watching them go inside. Colby was the last one to go in, turning and catching my eye, before winking and closing the door. "Oh what the fuck?" I breathed out, releasing the breath that I hadn't realized I had been holding. "Did that just actually happen?" Denise said, grabbing my arm. I nodded slowly, and turned back to face the girls. "It did, right? I'm not hallucinating or anything? I literally just fell into Colby mother fucking Brock?" I noticed that my voice was getting higher with each syllable but I couldn't seem to control it. My nerves were buzzing throughout my entire body with the excitement of what had just happened. My friends nodded and laughed. "Yeah, AND you were talking about taking your clothes off for him too...so that's something," Sarah replied. I clapped my hand over my mouth for a second before pulling it down slowly. "Do you think he heard that? Oh my fucking God. What do I do? I can't face him again, knowing he heard that!" "Then I didn't hear it," That same deep familiar voice spoke up from behind me, making my heart drop to my feet. "Fuck," I whispered, closing my eyes. I felt Denise pull my arm, turning me again, so I let her. My face had to be running at 1000 degrees by now. I was going to die of embarrassment before this trip even began. I met his intense blue gaze again, and saw one corner of his full pink lips turn up. My tongue shot out of my mouth, licking my own, before I realized it.

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