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 I was actually surprised to hear Sam say that. "I was almost scared to fall asleep last night after the remote almost clipped me in the head. And what about the glass that caught you in the ribs? That bruise didn't look too good this morning." "WHAT?" I bellowed loudly, making Denise jump, sitting next to me. "Why didn't you tell me?" He looked at me like I was crazy. "I haven't had a chance! Chill T," he replied. "We got here, ate, and just started talking about this. I would've told you but what's the big deal?" I huffed out a breath and stood up. "Let me see it," I demanded. "What?" he asked, a little surprised. I motioned with my hand for him to stand. "Get up and show me." He rolled his eyes and smiled, but stood. As soon as he did, I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and yanked it up. "Damn baby girl, if you wanted the shirt gone that bad, all you had to do was ask," he said smugly. I closed my eyes for a second to contain the annoyance that was flaring up. When I opened them, I saw the big black and purple bruise that went across his entire side, from the front to the back. I poked it, just out of pure spite. "OUCH, what the fuck Terra?!" "What's the big deal huh? Looks pretty fucking big to me, Colby!" I snatched his shirt back down, and watched as his hand came up to cradle where I knew the bruise was. "Look, we expect things to happen on these kinds of trips. Sometimes things happen that could get us hurt but we always turn out fine. You should know that since you watch the videos," he replied. I glared at him. I didn't care if this is what they usually do for videos, I didn't care that I already knew this. It was different seeing it in person, seeing the damage right in front of me, and hearing the fear in Sam's voice. Sam, who hardly ever got scared like that, was frightened and wanted to change rooms. "You're changing rooms," I demanded, still pissed that he was acting like this was nothing. I knew that I might've been overreacting just a touch, but knowing that he had put himself into danger willingly, and had gotten hurt...well, my emotions and my mind weren't doing to well with comprehending that information. He opened his mouth like he was going to argue with me, and his eyes narrowed. Sam spoke first though. "Yeah, we'll check into it, and see if they have anymore rooms available. If not, Jake and Corey have double beds in their room so we'll just bunk with them." Colby snapped his mouth closed and looked from me to Sam, like he was trying to figure out if arguing with us both was worth it. I guess it wasn't because he just sighed and sat back down. I nodded at Sam, and felt the little smirk cross my own face. "Good. Now let's get go rush Jake and Corey up and get this day started!" I replied, winking at Colby. He rolled his eyes at me, but smiled. Jake and Corey showed up a  few minutes later, and we left on our adventures for the day. We walked around Calhoun Square with the multiple paranormal tools that they had with them. They got a few good readings on the EMF meter and I wasn't surprised. Calhoun Square was said to be an unmarked burial ground for slaves, the poor souls just tossed into pits, with no proper burial instructions. It was no wonder their souls were restless. Even though it had such a horrible history, the area was still quite beautiful, so I took my own camera out of my bag and started snapping pics. I caught one of Colby filming Sam next to an old oak tree, moss hanging down next to him, the wind gently blowing it towards him. It looked like even the tree just wanted to reach out and touch him. I got one of Sam and helping Colby up, after he tripped over his own two feet and fell into a flower bed. The flowers were smushed where he fell, but around him was scattered with blue, pink, yellow, and purple flowers. I started laughing when he got up, after seeing the petals stuck to his ass. "What?" he asked, trying to look behind him at his own ass, causing him to walk in circles. "WHAT?" he said again, laughing. I actually couldn't breathe because I was laughing so hard, and I felt the tears start streaming down my face. "Y-you have p-petals on your a-a-ass," I stuttered out, snapping a quick pic of the incident. "Stop that! You can't take a picture of my petal ass," he said, laughing with me. "Oh but I can, and I did. What are you gonna do about it Mr. Brock?" I asked, waving my camera at him. That damn mischievous look entered his eyes, and I gulped. That look got my damn stomach to flutter. "Oh I think it's about time you learned a lesson about taking pictures of people's asses," he replied quietly, but his voice was full of dominance. I looked around for some kind of help, but Sam, Corey, and Jake were filming a good twenty feet away by then, with Denise standing off to the side, watching them. "Fuck," I muttered. "No one around to save you baby girl. It's just you and me," he said, using that same damn dominating tone. I sort of clenched my legs and then took a step back away from him. He advanced on me a little more. I knew if I ran, he was going to catch me. I didn't know what that meant. Was he going to throw me in the little pond over there, or was he just going to carry me on his shoulder, while I screamed? I had no idea. Whatever was going to happen was about to happen, because he took another step closer. Fuck it, I have to run. 

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