55 (Colby's POV)

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"Don't you dare apologize, and tell me it was a mistake one more time! If that's what you were about to say, then just keep your stupid mouth shut!" I raised my eyebrows noticing the red flush creep up her face and how she clenched her fists. I had the feeling that she actually did want to hit me. I thought back to how I had told her that the first kiss was a mistake. I didn't mean that she was a mistake, or that I regretted it. "Hey," I exclaimed, putting my hands back on her hips. "I wasn't going to say it was a mistake. I WAS going to apologize-" she tilted her head, and clenched her jaw, staring at me. "Hear me out! I was going to apologize for going in as hard as I did. I didn't mean to just...assault you like that." I lifted my hand and pushed the stray hair that had fallen into her face, behind her ear. "It's never been a mistake. Maybe not the smartest idea on my part, but never a mistake. I'm sorry that I said that." She huffed out a breath through her nose, and nodded. "Okay. Good. Because I was about to kick your ass for fucking up one of the best moments of my life," she replied, sternly. I laughed lightly. "One of the best, huh?" I asked, letting my pride get to me just a little. Her tongue darted out, caressing her bottom lip for just a second. "Yeah, but it could've been better," she said, a teasing tone to her voice. Ouch. "Really?" I asked in surprise. "And how could it have been better? I thought it was pretty damn good." She shrugged and lifted her eyes to the ceiling before looking back at me with a smirky little grin. "You could've brushed your teeth first. You have morning breath, and you still taste like alcohol." "Oh shit," I laughed, backing up and putting my hand over my mouth. "Wasn't really thinking about that, and I didn't intend to do anything but give you a damn peck. It's your fault. You should've be so irresistible." She had opened her mouth to say something but snapped it shut, her teeth clicking together, and shook her head. "I think you've got that backwards. I'm still trying to figure out what THE Colby Brock sees in me." Her words actually made my chest hurt. I hated when someone would act like they weren't good enough for me, just because of who I was. I leaned forwards and rested my forehead against hers, while holding her gaze. "I'm nothing special Terra. Just a guy. I'm not perfect and I never will be. I have a million flaws that you know nothing about." I pressed my lips to her forehead and leaned back again. "As for what I see in you, I don't know how to explain it. You're different somehow. You get so fierce and protective when you think I'm being treated wrongly, but then jump like a little mouse when I touch you, or someone suggests us being alone together. When you relax, you're silly, sweet, and down to earth. And let's not forget that you're fucking gorgeous. I really like those shorts," I said, smiling down at her. She blushed, and played with the fringe on the bottom of said shorts. "These old things?" she joked, repeating my words from last night. I laughed again, and moved away from her. "You should probably go take a shower if you plan on getting one, because if we keep talking, I'm going to kiss you again, and my mouth really does taste like ass," I said, pointing towards the bathroom. She laughed, and stepped towards me. My stomach did a little flip as her soft pink lips pressed lightly to my cheek. "It really does," she replied, then laughed, grabbed her towel and walked back to the bathroom. I brought my hand up and rubbed it over my heart as I watched her walk away. This time it was just to the bathroom. Soon, it would be for good, and my chest already ached with the thought  of it. I shook it off, and sighed. Time to get ready for the day. I exited her room, and walked back to mine, knocking on the door. Sam opened it and gave me a big, happy smile. "Brotheeeerr, come on in. I've got your breakfast waiting." I walked past him, inside the room, and the aroma hit my senses, automatically. Eggs, bacon, waffles, hashbrowns, sausage, sliced fruit, literally everything was sitting out on trays and platters, decorating the room. "What is all of this?" I asked in amazement. He just shrugged, while Katrina giggled. She was sitting cross legged on his bed, with a plate of food in her lap. "We were hungry. I figured why not go ahead and get enough for everyone because I know they'll all be here soon. Plus, we've somehow added four more to the group for the next couple of days so I wanted to be sure that we had enough." I pursed my lips and nodded, looking around at all the food. "So, what's up with you? Where did you end up staying? I honestly thought you would come back to the room," he said curiously. "Uh, I stayed in Terra's room...with her," I replied, not meeting his gaze. "Whhhaaat?" Kat exclaimed loudly, her mouth full of food. "Oooohh...okay then. So you've talked to her about everything? You don't want a pissed off, hurt fan coming for you Colby." I shook my head and finally looked at him. "Not really. We talked but it more getting to know you stuff. Not expectations stuff." I dragged my hand through my hair, sighing. "I guess I should do that today though. Nothing happened with us though. We kissed, but that's it." Sam raised he eyebrows at me, while biting into a piece of bacon. "Daaaamn, you must really like her if you haven't tried anything yet. Usually, you and Brennen are out prowling together, bringing back whoever you can." 

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