96 Colby's POV

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We had to lug our things back outside, around the corner and up a flight of stairs to get to our rooms. Sam unlocked the door to our rooms, while I nodded at the other guys. Corey was unlocking their door. "See you guys in a bit," I replied. "On the other side mate," Corey said, tipping his imaginary hat at me. "That's not even Southern," I grumbled, following Sam inside the room. It wasn't as small as I expected it to be. The room was actually a good size. There was a huge king size four poster bed up against one wall, then a fireplace on the other side of the room, with a red couch in the middle. The walls were red brick, adding character to the room, as well as the scuffed hardwood floor. I loved it. I dumped my things, and fell on the bed, lying back with my phone. Felt like I hadn't talked to Terra in forever. I had made the decision to go see her. I couldn't be so close to her and not go see her. Katrina had sent me the address, and it was only a couple hours from here. Usually, we just hung out on the first day, getting used to our surroundings, but I was going to take the car, and and go visit Terra. "Hey, what are you up to?" I texted her, before going onto social media and checking things out for a little while. "Not much. u? it seems like forever since we've talked :(" was the reply I got back from her. "I know. I'm sorry. Just been super busy with everything. We're about to be filming the new series and I've had a lot of business deals going on. Missed you tho." "Missed you too. More than you know." I smiled to myself. I know I shouldn't care, but knowing that she still missed me made my heart swell. Fuck it. I'm gonna FaceTime her. I hit the key and waited for her to answer. It took a couple of minutes, and I actually thought she wasn't going to answer. When she finally picked up, I breathed a sigh of relief. "Heeeyy," she said, smiling, closing a door behind her. It didn't look like what I recognized as her place. "Hey," I said, returning the grin. "It's good to see your pretty face. Are you at home?" I tried to be casual about it, but I had to admit to myself that I wanted to know where she was. It looked like she sat on the edge of a tub, because I seen the shower curtain behind her. She shook her head. "No, at a friends. We're probably gonna go out tonight as a group." I raised my eyebrows. "Oh yeah? Where are you thinking about going? That new club you told me about?" She laughed, a light tinkling sound that feathered over my skin. "Yeah, it's called the Devil's Rose. I've been there a few times now and it's pretty fun. Nothing like Florida, obviously, but the best we have around here." she replied, shrugging. At least now, I knew where to look for her. It would really suck when I showed up to her place and she wasn't there, and I had no clue where to look for her. Now I did. "Yeah, what's it like?" I just wanted to keep her talking. It was like I was soaking up everything about her that I could, cementing it into my brain for future memories. She pushed her hair behind her ear, and smiled at me gently. I loved it when she did that. It felt like I was the only thing that mattered in that moment, even over the phone. "Weeelll, it's kind of a dark scene. Emo, I guess, kind of edgy. The only place where the few of us that had colored hair, and dress in black can go and feel comfortable in that backwoods town. They have a million different drink options, even a couple of black ones, so that's cool. Haven't been brave enough to try them yet though..umm.." She trailed off and looked to the ceiling, while tapping her manicured finger against her chin. "You got nails," I said in surprise, noticing the baby blue and black glitter nails on her hands. She moved her hand and looked down at in in surprise. "Oh yea, I did," she laughed. "Just did it this past weekend. They gave me a raise at work, after my one month probation period, so I splurged a little on myself." She waved her hand in front of the screen. "But anyways, yeah, the place is fun. I think you'd like it. We should go, if you ever come out this way. Let me know, and I'll make sure the whole group goes." She sort of bounced up and down a little, looking cute as hell. "That sounds great. Maybe one day soon, yeah?" I said, wanting to tell her I was on the way, but keeping the surprise in. "I hope so Colby. I really-" "Hey T, you about finished? It's time to go if we wanna make the movie," a guy's voice sounded out through the wall of the bathroom she was in. She closed her eyes for a second, then replied. "Yeah, I'll be out in a minute." I cocked my eyebrow at her. "Are you keeping me a secret Terra?" She looked bashful and bit her lip. "Welllll, kind of." Then she rushed into the next part of her explanation. "But not because I don't want to tell people, but because I don't know if you want me to tell people. Plus, what do I even tell people, because we haven't talked about anything. I don't know what we are, besides friends. I guess we're just friends, that have slept together? I've had a couple of guys ask me out and I turn them down, because I feel like that would be cheating on you somehow, but that's not really true, is it? Fuck, I don't know Colby." The amount of stress and worry on her face right now broke my heart. This is what I didn't want to happen. She felt like she couldn't tell anyone that we were talking because the fandom would get wind of it and WWIII would happen. Plus, what did I tell her? That we weren't dating because there is absolutely no way this could work, but please don't date anyone else? 

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