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"Commmiinnnng!" Sarah's voice sang out. She threw the door open, looking hot as ever with her dramatic makeup intensified. "James Charles, eat your heart out," She said, propping her hands on her hips and leaning forwards so that her butt popped out. Brennen stepped back and looked at her ass, rubbing his chin, with a smirk. I rolled my eyes, and grinned. "You guys ready?" "Yep," she said, standing up straight, then turning around t grab her purse from the bed. "Let's go! I'm hungry!" Colby used his key card to get into his room, and we found that Jake, Tara, Denise, and Kenzie were already sitting around the room, eating, when we entered. "Hey, save some for us!" Brennen exclaimed, walking past us to get to the food that was left. Sarah giggled, and followed. Colby placed his hand on the small of my back for a second, smiled, then walked over to Sam, so I went to sit down next to Necee. "Well, look who it is!" She exclaimed, grinning at me and wiggling her eyebrows. "Oh shut up," I laughed. "Well? How was it? What happened? I need details," she whispered, patting my leg. I shook my head. "Nothing happened. We talked all night. Literally all night. It was amazing." "Seriously? That's it?," she asked in disbelief. "Yes Necee, that's it. It was really nice." She scoffed at me. "Nice? You just had a once in a lifetime opportunity, in a hotel room all night with THE Colby Brock...and you talked. I'm disappointed T." She smiled at me to soften her words, and I pursed my lips at her. She was probably right, honestly. Maybe I should've tried to make IT happen last night...but he never even showed the slightest bit of interest in having sex. Until this morning, with that kiss. "Oh, he did kiss me again. This morning," I replied quietly, taking my phone out, acting like it wasn't a big deal. She squealed so loud, everyone looked over, including Sam and Colby. My eyes widened, looking at her and she held her fingers up off of her thigh. "Sorry, my bad. Carry on with whatever you were doing." Sam raised his eyebrows, and grinned a little, looking back at Colby. Colby just shook his head and shrugged, but sent me a quick wink as soon as Sam looked away. I felt myself start to blush again. This was becoming a problem. "Oh I saw that!" Kenzie popped up out of nowhere from behind me. "Fuck, Kenzie!" I exclaimed, grabbing my chest. "When the hell did you get over here? You were just over there talking to Kat and Tara!" She shrugged. "A couple of minutes ago. I didn't want to interrupt your conversation. Plus, I was being nosy." She nudged me with her shoulder and grinned. "So he kissed you again huh? How was it?" Her voice wasn't exactly low, and I caught Colby looking at me out of the corner of his eye, while Sam was saying something to him. "I'll tell you later, when there isn't a million people around," I murmured. I grabbed a granola bar off of one of the trays and opened it, taking a bite. My stomach was in knots, and I didn't really think I could handle any of this hearty food at the moment. "Okay guys, I found the perfect thing to do today!" Sam exclaimed, clapping his hands to get our attention. "I just talked it over with Colby and he agrees, so let's see if you guys do." He paused for dramatization. "Sammy boy, spit it out already!" Brennen exclaimed. We all laughed, and Sam replied, "Okay, okay. A hot air balloon ride over Orlando. We'll go over Disney World, Epcot Studios, and Hollywood Studios, plus get to see some of the wildlife and other stuff. Sound good?" "Oh my God, that sounds amazing!" Kat exclaimed, bouncing on the bed a little, a big grin on her face. Everyone started exclaiming how much fun that would be, talking all at once. "They only allow 4 to 6 people in a basket, so we'd have to split up and take two, if you guys wanna join us. We'll pay, so don't worry about that," Sam said, talking only to me and my friends. I glanced around at all of them. Sarah was sitting on Brennen's leg, nodding with a big smile. Kenzie was nodded at me, and Denise replied, "Oh fuck yea!" when I caught her eye. I looked back at Sam and grinned. "Guess we're in. Thank you for this." He nodded, a quick jerk of his head, then picked his phone up, and started doing something. "Alright, I've got the reservations set up, had to pay extra to get us in today, and we have to be there soon. Like now, so we should go. We'll figure out who rides with who when we get there." We all gathered our things and piled out of the room. Sam and Colby both called for Ubers so that we would have two cars. Luckily, we didn't have to wait long before the cars pulled up, and one was an SUV so that helped. There were a lot of us. Kenzie, Denise, and Sarah all piled into the car. I was about to follow them, when I felt a hand on my arm, pulling me back. "You wanna let Brennen ride with them? You can ride with me," Colby said, looking down at me, and chewing his lip. "T, you coming?" Denise called out from inside the car. I looked over to her, then to Brennen. "Go ahead," I said, waving my hand towards the car. "See ya!" He exclaimed, then crawled into the car, over Denise, so that he could get next to Sarah. There were a lot of screams and giggles. Colby reached down and took my hand, leading me to the SUV where the others were waiting. I was screaming internally, but trying to remain casual on the outside. I didn't know what this meant, or if it even meant anything at all.

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