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 I breathed a small sigh of relief, when he asked Sam something regarding their schedule tomorrow, effectively changing the subject. Brennen started a conversation with Sarah and Kenzie while Denise and I joked around with Tara and Jake. Every now and then, I would catch myself watching Sam and Colby. Their interaction with one another was the purest form of friendship that I had ever seen. It was even more so in real life. As I watched them, they both reached up to their hair at the same time, and ran their fingers through it, Colby swiping his to the side a little, while Sam did the little swirl thing on top that he was known for. I don't even think they noticed that they were mimicking each other. I glanced out the balcony doors, noticing that the sun had gone down, leaving the sky lit up only by the city lights. People were partying out by the massive pool area, music blasting, drinks being served...while my friends and I were posted up in Sam and Colby's hotel room with them and their friends... I shook my head, still in disbelief at the situation, but I was going to enjoy it while I could. I'm sure when tomorrow came, all of this would just be a memory that I would cherish forever. I glanced back at Sam and Colby, and caught Colby's eye. He gave me a soft grin and little wave of his fingers, before concentrating on Sam again. I felt my heart flutter inside my chest, aching for things that I knew weren't possible. In another life maybe... The rest of the night consisted of the guys and Tara trying to feel out if they could actually trust us. "You guys haven't brought your phones out once. Not even to ask for a photo...that's a little weird, to be honest," Sam said, throwing his empty water bottle at Brennen, catching him in the chest with it. "The fuck, bro?" Brennen exclaimed, bringing his phone down to rub his chest, and glare at Sam. Sam just laughed and looked back to us. "Seriously though. What's up with that? You haven't asked any personal questions, you haven't tried to record anything. I don't get it." I opened my mouth to reply, but then closed it as my my brows creased. "Huh...I don't know. I guess we were just having fun. I didn't even think about trying to capture the moments. Plus, you guys always have camera's in your faces, or fans wanting videos and pics...this is your room. Somewhere you're supposed to be able to relax." I shrugged. "Doesn't seem right to intrude like that, when you were nice enough to invite us over. Plus, sharing something like this would just cause a LOT of problems for you and us. Not worth it. We'll get pictures at the meet and greet tomorrow or something." That earned me the biggest smiles from Sam and Colby that I could have ever hoped for. "Thanks for that," Colby replied. "It's nice to see someone actually care about that stuff. Usually, everything we do is being shared and picked apart. That's part of the reason why we can't interact like we use too." I blushed a little again, and nodded. I honestly wanted to get pics and videos more than ever, now that they had mentioned it,to have actual proof that this happened, and wasn't a dream, but I was being honest with my answer. I would never share it, but I didn't want to invade their privacy or make them uncomfortable. We continued the night with them being more comfortable with us, opening up and a little and sharing behind the scenes stories from past videos, trap house parties, Tara joking on the guys with us, telling us how amazing Kat, Devyn, Xepher, and Cassie were in real life, and honestly, just so much information that I thought either my head would explode with the overload, or my heart from happiness. I saw Tara yawn and then reach for her phone. Seemed like none of us had really even glanced at our phones the entire time we had been there. Not even the Social Media stars. "Jake, wake up," she said after glancing at it. "It's 3 am. Time for us to go to our own room and go to bed. We all have to be up early in the morning." Sarah glanced at Sam. "Time for you to do your rituals, huh? Can I join?" He rolled his beautiful blue eyes and laughed, that amazing smile of his that warmed my heart, crossing his face. "I think I'll hold off on calling the Midnight Man tonight. I need to sleep. Guess we'll see you guys tomorrow?" "Of course you will," I replied, standing up looking around at everyone, my eyes landing finally on Colby. He was now lying stretched out across the other bed, eyes on me, smiling softly. "That's why we're here." He winked at me and sat up. "It was really nice having you guys over. Thanks again for earlier." He stood up, as did all the rest, except Jake, who Tara had no luck in waking up yet. Tara wrapped her small arms around me in a hug, that I gratefully returned. "I had so much fun tonight! Thanks for lowering the testosterone levels," she said wryly, pulling away from me. "No problem," I laughed out. "Thank you guys for having us. It's a night we'll never forget, for sure." My friends looked shocked, as Tara and the guys passed out hugs to each of them in turn. Brennen hugged me and kissed my cheek, which had me reeling a little, as his tan arms dropped from my waist. Sam's hug was so damn warm and sweet, I honestly wanted to stay there all night. It was comforting. "Maybe we can do this again before we leave? Kat should be flying out before we leave. I told her she didn't have too, but she wants to come to Florida. There's no telling her otherwise when her mind is made up," he laughed.

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