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We piled into the booth, Denise and Kenzie on the inside, while Sarah and I took the outside seats. "Drinks first, then dance," Sarah said, picking up the laminated menu that was sticking up in the middle of the table. "Oh wow, they have so many drinks...I don't know what I want." "Are we gonna check out the other bars and the other dance floor?" I asked, glancing around at how packed it was down here. Kenzie laughed, while she twisted a napkin nervously between her fingers. She wasn't used to going out much. Hell, none of us were, especially somewhere this high profile. "How about we get a little more comfortable first?" Sarah rolled her eyes. "We are going to check every inch of this place! It's incredible! Buuut, yeah, let's get our drinks and loosen up a bit." A waitress came by and took our orders. Sarah just ordered a couple of shots to get her started. The name is what got me though. "Can I just get a couple of Blow Jobs to get started?" She asked, looking questioningly at the waitress. Shen nodded, and smiled. "Those are so good. You won't be disappointed."  "Seriously?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at Sarah. One corner of her lips tilted as she nodded at me. "Yes ma'am. If I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it right." Kenzie went softer with a mixed drink called the Tequila Sunrise...not much softer. Tequila was a good way to get fucked up fast, and not always in a good way. Denise ordered a Green Apple Smirnoff with a shot of Grenadine, which is what I would usually get, but I wanted something different. Something fun. "I'll have an..um...this one," I pointed, not really wanting to say the name of the drink out loud. "The Sex on my Face. Okay, that's a good choice. Just don't chug it," the waitress, her nametag said Jenny, replied. My face burned when my friends looked at me, laughter in their eyes. "Sex on my face, huh? And you're giving me shit for ordering a Blow Job?" "Shut up," I laughed out. "It sounded like something I would like." They busted out laughing as the waitress walked away with a smile, shaking her head at our foolishness. "THE INGREDIENTS! It sounded like it would taste good!" I corrected myself, realizing what I had said. This just made them laugh harder. "Oh my God, just shut uuuuup," I groaned, leaning back in the booth. "Hey, maybe you'll get lucky," Sarah said, shimmying a little in her seat. "I know I want too. Wish Brennen were here. I swear I'd make a fool of myself trying to get with that man." "I have no doubt that you would," I replied dryly. Kenzie had her phone out, a worried look on her face. "What's wrong?" I asked, tossing a balled up napkin at her to get her attention. She looked up, surprised. "What? Oh, nothing." She sighed heavily. "Okay, Ryan isn't too happy that I'm on this trip with you guys anyways, and now he's upset that I'm at a bar. I mean, I wouldn't want him going to a bar without me I guess so I understand, but I don't want to feel like I can't have fun with my friends either." I sighed. This wasn't the first time that Kenzie's boyfriend Ryan had tried to lay a guilt trip on her for doing anything fun that didn't involve being tied around his little finger. "Kenzie...would you EVER cheat on Ryan? Like, would you even think about it?" She furrowed her brow and answered instantly. "Of course not! I'm not like that! I love him," she exclaimed. "He just.." She let out a deep breath, as she ran her fingers through her hair. "He's just so jealous and worried all the time." I nodded, because I knew what she was talking about. "Okay, so do you trust him? Do you think he'd cheat on you?" She stared me in the eyes for a minute, chewing her bottom lip. "um..yeah, I trust him." She shook her head. "I don't think he would cheat on me...again." I already knew about this but it still pissed me off every time I thought about it. Ryan had cheated on Kenzie shortly a couple of months after they had gotten together. He claimed he was drunk and she forgave him. I wasn't so sure that he hadn't done it again, with how much he seemed to think that she cheated on him. I never liked him, but it wasn't my choice. Kenzie was my friend and she had to deal with this in her own time and way. I had already voiced my opinions to her, as did the other girls, but we all knew she wouldn't do anything that she wasn't ready for. She wasn't ready to face the truth yet. We would be here for her when she was. "Do you trust him enough to let him go to a club with his boys without you?" I saw her eyes start to get a little watery and I wanted to stop. She shook her head slightly. "No...I hate it when he goes out, but I never say anything. I don't wanna fight with him." "So it's okay for him to go out, but not you? When you've never done anything to break his trust? Something isn't right there Kenz. You need to ignore him and have a good time. You, of all people, deserve this. Put your phone up and be here with us." Just then, her phone buzzed again, and she looked at it. "Oh fuck you Ryan," she muttered, then turned her phone off and put it in her bag. The waitress came with our drinks then, and passed them out. "Can I go ahead and get one more of these?" Kenzie asked, pointing to the drink in front of her. "Sure," the waitress replied, and walked away. "Go easy Kenz!" Sarah said, throwing her arm around her shoulders. "We're gonna be here a while." Kenzie smiled and opened her mouth to reply, just as loud, obnoxious laughter sounded from the booth next to us. Apparently, someone had finally sat there. And they were very loud. Great. 

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