42 (Colby's POV)

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I glanced from Sam to Terra, feeling the surprise on my face. "You got her Insta?" I asked. He nodded, and smirked at me a little. "Yeah, so I can let her know when Kat gets here. By the way, you're gonna have to take Jake and Tara's room. I think Brennen is leaving too but I'm not sure. Kat and I are gonna need the room." I rolled my eyes. I had already seen this coming. "You're kicking me out of our room? But what about Solby?" I joked, leaning my shoulder into his. I heard Terra's little giggle, and my eyes shifted back to her again. I swear it was like I had never seen the female body before, every time I looked at her in that bikini. I couldn't stop myself from letting my eyes try to burn the image into my head. Every little detail. From her painted blue toenails that matched the streaks in her hair, up the creamy skin of her calves where I noticed a few freckles along the curve of her knee, to the plumpness of her thighs. I carelessly let my eyes linger there for a half second more than I should have before moving up over where the cute little white bikini bottom covered her delicate skin. Something about that little black rose sitting at the top of that scrap of material had me practically salivating at the mouth. My eyes moved up further still, like in slow motion, savoring it all. She had a tattoo. I hadn't noticed before. A small script going across her side, the black pattern tracing across the bottom of her rib cage. Couldn't quite make out what it said though. I was in dangerous territory, knowing that I had been staring too long, making her uncomfortable even. I saw her shift in the lounge chair, and heard Sam clear his throat. "Colby?" I looked up, feeling my face burning again. "Yeah?" Sam bit his lip to keep from laughing at me. Asshole. "Did you hear what I said?" He knew damn good and well that I didn't hear what he said. "Sorry, got distracted. What'd you say?" He flicked his gaze to Terra, who was chewing her bottom lip nervously, her knees pulled up on the lounge chair, her arms wrapped around them. I could see her out of the corner of my eye, but I didn't dare look at her straight on again. It was like she hypnotized me sometimes and I couldn't look away. Sam's gaze came back to me and he smirked again. I looked up to the sky annoyed, but didn't say anything to draw attention to it. He knew. He chuckled a little, but repeated what I had missed. "I said, do you think it would be okay for Terra and her friends to come into the VIP area? Sarah seems to already be in there with Brennen. The fans can't see through the fence...I guess it's more of a wall. Anyways, there would be a little bit of...well, peace maybe." I nodded, overly eager to spend more time with this girl. I shouldn't be. I knew this was wrong and that I was setting her and probably myself up for hurt, but I just needed to know her. "Yeah, to thank you guys again for being so cool," I replied, looking back and Terra and making sure that my eyes stayed locked on hers. That weird, striking aqua color changed a little with the fairy and disco lights bouncing off of them. She swallowed nervously, and nodded once. "You've already thanked us enough for that. You guys don't have to do this. Seriously. It's fine. I know people will talk and probably act really stupid if my friends and I walk in there with you guys." Was she serious? She wasn't going to jump at the chance to go into the VIP section with us? I mean, I didn't have a big head or anything, but when the fuck did fans reject hanging out with us? See...she was weird. This girl wasn't normal. Maybe that's why I was so intrigued. I shook my head. "You're right, of course, but there are ways around that. We'll go in now, leave word with security, and you guys can just make you way inside in a few minutes." I held my hands up and shrugged. "Maybe we should snap a pic though, really quick." Her lips parted in surprise, as her forehead creased. "Huh?" she asked, looking down at the phone in her hands. "Or a short story or something. You said you have a fan page right?" She nodded, still confused. "Well," I said sitting down close to the bottom of the lounge chair by her feet. "I know you haven't taken any pics for your page. Don't you think that's kind of weird? We don't mind, do we Sam?" I glanced up at him, expectantly. He was watching me with a weird expression on his face. One I wasn't able to read. That, in itself, was strange because I always prided myself on being able to tell what Sam was thinking most of the time. We were just that close. He nodded, and shot Terra a smile. "Of course! You guys have been so respectful, its a little weird actually. We would love to take some and make sure you tag us in them." Terra's eyes looked a little out of focus, like she wasn't sure she was awake. "Come on Princess, get up and lets do this!" I said, patting her knee. Oh shit, shouldn't have done that. The warmth of her skin, still damp from her trip in the pool send heat waves through my hand as soon as I touched her, heading straight to the pit of my stomach. I jerked my hand away and stood up, stepping back to give her room. Sam held his hand out to help her and I was honestly grateful. I didn't understand what the hell was going on. I took her phone from her and snapped a few of her and Sam, then he did the same for us. She wrapped her arms around my waist, standing sideways so that her body was pressed up against mine. Fuck. The last thing I needed was a damn boner to be showing in those photos. I would never live it down. 

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