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 Corey shrugged. "No, not really. I assumed that it would be the same as always. Either you in Colby's lap or Denise in mine while the rest just figure out who goes where." I nodded, and chewed my lip. It wouldn't be a big deal for me to sit in Colby's lap. That would be fine. The rest of the guys finished loading the car, and Denise just sort of stood next to Corey's door, unsure of what to do. Colby opened the driver's side door and got in. Okay, I guess I wouldn't be sitting in his lap then. That was good...or that's what I kept telling myself. Honestly, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't want too, one last time. He caught my eye as everyone else piled into the car, Denise climbing onto Corey's lap. He gave me something that resembled a smile but wasn't much of one.  He put the radio on, then we started the drive that would be the end of it all. Much to my surprise, after about an hour, Colby pulled over to use the restroom at a gas station. When he came back out, he let Sam drive and Jake have the front. So that meant he and I would at least sit next to each other in the back. I looked down and smiled to myself, as I scooted to the middle of the backseat, making room for him. Denise nudged me with her hand, then smiled a little. I didn't what she was smiling for. This was all I had left. A chance to sit next to him for the next hour. Then I would never see him again, except on the screen. I sighed to myself and propped my chin in my hand. This was going to be the longest hour ever. I was hyper aware of his thigh touching mine, and his arm coming across the back of the seat behind my shoulders. I closed my eyes against the harsh Georgia sun, and leaned back into the seat. I was tired. Tired from crying, from not getting enough sleep, from all of the excitement of the trip...and the emotional turmoil that I was still going through. I was just tired. Before long, I  heard my name being whispered in my ear. "Terra. Wake up beautiful girl." I groaned a little and snuggled into the warmth that was by my side. "Come on, you have to wake up," the deep, familiar voice continued. I lifted my heavy lids, and my eyes met with those intense blue ones. I was snuggled so far into Colby's side, there was absolutely no room between us. His arm was draped around me, holding me against him. "We're here," he said quietly. I glanced out the window and saw mine and Denise's apartment complex. My time with them, with him, was over. I sighed and leaned up and away from him, then opened the door to get out. He climbed out behind me, as Sam cut the engine and everyone else climbed out too. We started our goodbye hugs then, the mood quickly turning morose. I hugged Jake tightly, then imprinted his dimple in my brain as I leaned back and caught his smile. "Don't be sad. We'll see you again," he said, rubbing my upper arms. I smiled and nodded through my blurry, tear filled gaze. Next was Corey, enveloping me in his strong, warm embrace. It was so comforting, I felt like I could stay there forever and ignore my problems. "I know we just met, but I'm sad to see you go Terra," he replied, leaning away from me. I smiled and nodded, wiping a stray tear from my cheek. "I'm gonna miss you too Corey," I said. Then was Sam. The sweet, kind hearted, inspiring, blue eyed golden boy. I hugged him tightly, burying my face in his neck, while he rubbed my back. "I'm gonna miss you Sammy G," I choked out, my emotions almost overtaking me. He chuckled a little. "I'm gonna miss you too T." He leaned into me, his lips next to my ear. "Don't worry. I don't think this is the end. We'll see you again," he whispered so that only I could hear. I didn't believe a word of it, and I knew he was just trying to make me feel better. I gave a sad smile and nodded. "Sure," I replied, then turned towards Colby. My final goodbye. He was watching me, his eyes full of sadness and something else. I wasn't sure what but I wasn't going to ask either. This was it. He stepped closer to me, then held out his arms. I went willingly, falling into him, feeling his warm embrace envelope me like a glove. I belonged here...or so I had thought. I had gotten to experience something that very few people did in their life. The chance to be with my ultimate crush, the love of my life. I would cherish these memories that he had given me forever. H rubbed my back slowly, holding me tightly. The tears came, my heart twisting inside my chest before it fell and shattered at his feet. The pain became unbearable, and I gasped out a sob, letting the tears stream over my cheeks and chin, unable to stop them if I wanted too. My breathing became erratic and uneven as he held me tighter. "I'm so sorry Terra," he whispered. "I wish this could be something more. I wish I could stay." I wailed into his chest, ruining his shirt with my tears. "Please don't cry," he continued. "You'll always be my girl Terra." Those words broke me worse than anything else he had said before, and I almost collapsed. Would have if he hadn't been holding me. I finally caught my breath, then let him pull away from me. His eyes were glassy, and I saw a few tear streaks on his cheeks as well. For someone that never cried, knowing that he was crying for me, crushed me. "I'll never forget you baby girl," he said, leaning in to press his lips softly to mine. I savored it, imprinting the shape of his lips, each indent, and the way they felt against mine. 

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