56 (Colby's POV)

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I rolled my eyes. "That is not how it goes. We just like to have fun, and the girls do too. And I don't do that ALL the time. I'm just hanging out with others when they do it. Anyways, that's not the point! I need a shower," I said, walking to my closet. "You need a toothbrush too, so I hope that kiss wasn't this morning." "Oh, fuck you Sam," I said laughing, while I pulled my towel down off the rack. Since Kat was here, I'd have to get dressed in the bathroom, so I picked an outfit to take into the bathroom with me. Normally, since mostly everyone had gone and I didn't have any appointments to be at, I would have just picked another cut off and some sweatpants, but since Terra was here...I wanted to look nice. I finally chose a white t-shirt, and my black bondage jeans. I was gonna pair it with my boots, and my hooded leather jacket to complete the look. It was edgy but simple and I liked it. I rushed through the process of showering, and brushing my teeth, before throwing my clothes on, so that I could concentrate on my hair. I really needed to dye it again. Maybe I should go back to blue. The purple didn't really stay long and it looked almost the same as the red. I grabbed my chapstick and applied a thin coat, before sliding the tube in my pocket. By the time I walked out of the bathroom, Kat and Sam were finished eating and Sam was in the mirror fixing his own hair. He caught my gaze in the reflection and grinned. "Looking good brother. What's the occasion?" "No occasion. These are normal clothes," I replied. "Yeah, okaaay," he said, a little smirk on his face. "Anyways, what are we doing today? Beach?" I nodded. "Oh hell yea! Let's do that. But not until this evening. You know the beach is always better at night." "Okay, so what then?" I shrugged. "I don't know! Look up fun things to do and we'll talk about it with everyone over breakfast. How the hell should I know?" I grabbed my phone and stuffed it in my back pocket, before grabbing my key card off the dresser. "I'll be back. Save some food for everyone else," I yelled over my shoulder, as I left the room. I knocked lightly on Terra's door, and waited. The door cracked and I saw her fresh face peeking out. She smiled and stepped back, opening the door wider for me to enter. I walked past her, and turned back watching her close the door. She was dressed, but her hair was still wet, making it look darker and kind of curly. I took in her outfit, noticing that she was wearing my merch again. "Nice shirt," I said, giving her a half smile. She pinched the black shirt with the small white Now or Never logo on the front with her fingers and grinned. "This old thing? It's okay, I guess. Some goofball YouTuber merch." I let out a short laugh. "It looks good on you. I think the goofball YouTuber would approve." I took in the rest of her outfit, her black jeans, a wide open hole in them that bared her thigh to me, then casually ripped at the knees, and a pair of buckled up, clunky black boots. She looked hot. "You think so?" She asked, posing, sticking her hip out, and placing her hand on it. I cocked my eyebrow at her with a grin. "Very much." She laughed and ran her hand through her wet hair. "Oh, I gotta fix my hair." She walked past me to the  bathroom, and I heard the blow dryer start. I went to sit on the bed to wait for her, and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I hadn't even checked social media in forever. I guess I was kind of hesitant to do so. I didn't want anything to mess these couple of days up. I checked my Instagram first, and scrolled through the comments on my recent post of a pic that Sam and I had taken with a fan. I didn't see anything so I went to my explore page and checked that out. Sure enough, there was the video of Terra cussing that young girl out at her door. You couldn't see her face, so that was a good thing. "Oh what the fuck," I murmured as I came across a pic of her coming out of the pool, with me standing next to her talking to a fan. Would have been just a normal photo, only my eyes were centered on her quite obviously, and I was biting my fucking lip. I was biting my mother fucking lip, watching her come out of the damn pool, and someone had taken a picture of it. The caption was "Colby Likey!" with some suggestive emojis after it. I scrolled through the comments, some of them laughing, talking about how I should shoot my shot. Bitch, I'm trying. Others talking about her looks, some good comments, some not so much. I hoped she didn't see those. Then I saw some that got me curious. They were tagging one fan account, asking if that was them in the picture. They called the girl Rayne though. I clicked on the tag to check out the profile. As usual, the profile picture wasn't of the owner, but a random one of Sam and I. I scrolled through the posts, just a random assortment of everything, when I had a thought. Her phone was lying on the table next to the bed. I heard the occasional vibration when she got some sort of notification so if I like one of these posts, and it was hers, all I had to do was sit back and let the fandom work it's magic. They would be commenting and probably messaging her to let her know that I had liked it. Which meant that her phone wouldn't stop vibrating. I double clicked the recent post, not even bothering to see what it was, because there was a light knock at the adjoining door to the room. I got closed the app, stood up, and put my phone back in my pocket. 

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