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Everyone was posting pics from Playlist, showing that they had met the guys, or their internet best friends. Sam and Colby really had brought so many people together. They would never truly understand what they had done for people. "Whatcha doin?" Colby drawled out, right next to my ear. I was so engrossed in what I was doing, I didn't realize that he was literally hanging over my phone, trying to see what I was doing. Nosy bitch. I locked my phone, and dropped it behind me, smiling at him. "Nothing. Just getting sucked into the black hole that is the internet. What time are you guys leaving tomorrow?" I felt a pain shoot through my chest, when I thought about him leaving. "Our flight is at 10 am so we'll need to be up by 7 to make sure that we have everything, and can beat the traffic, to make it to the airport by 9." "That's only a few hours away," I replied sadly. "Hey...come here," he said, holding his arms out to me. I scooted over to him, and turned, so that my back was against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly, his head resting on my shoulder. "I'll facetime you as soon as we land, okay? I swear I'll keep in touch. You mean a lot to me Princess. I don't know what's happening here, or what we can possibly make out of this situation, but..." His voice trailed off and I knew it was because he didn't know what else to say. There was no way that this could work. None at all and we both knew it. He was literally on the other side of the damn country, while I was stuck in worthless county, USA. We lay there silently, wrapped up in one another, until we both drifted off. My sleep wasn't peaceful, my dreams full of sadness and heartache. Was I an idiot to open my heart to him even more? To have let him take my body, knowing that I had already given him my heart? It didn't matter. It was done, and I had no regrets, no matter the consequences. I could handle a broken heart. It wasn't the first time, it would just be the worst. Morning came, and with it the blaring sound of Colby's alarm, filling my heart with dread. He let go of me, and rolled the opposite direction, grabbing his phone to swipe the alarm off. His arm came back around me and he hugged me gently. "I have to go back to my room. Make sure Sam and Kat are up, and get my things ready. Would you like to come with me?" He was asking me if I'd like to spend the last couple of hours left before he leaves with him. "Of course I would. I'd love too." We sat up, and Colby climbed out of the bed, stretching. My attention was temporarily stuck on watching the muscles roll in his back, neck and arms, as he straightened his arms out above his head, and rolled his neck. His tattoos flexed with his every movement. He turned around, facing me, and stretched his arms out behind him, making his stomach grow taut. Fucking hell, I was going to have to go clean myself up if he kept this up. "Are you going to get up? Maybe put some clothes on?" He laughed a little, catching me staring at him. "I mean, I'm okay with you staying that way the entire time I'm with you, but I'm not so sure that Sam and Kat would be okay with it." I blushed fiercely, and threw the covers back, so that I could stand up. By the time I was standing, Colby had leaped across the bed, and was standing in front of me. "Before you put those clothes on though," he replied, his voice rough again. He snatched me against him, forcing his lips onto mine with so much heat, I melted on the spot. I really didn't understand how I was still standing. Why hadn't I just slipped through his fingers into a gooey puddle on the floor. His fingers dug into the flesh of my ass, groping me. "One for the road," he groaned, before pushing me back down on the bed. Thirty glorious minutes later, I was finally getting me a pair of fucking underwear on, while Colby ran around the room looking for his shoes. "Where the fuck did I put them? I don't understand! This is a hotel room. There's only so many places they could be." I spotted them at the foot of the bed, just under the part that was sticking out. I reached down and grabbed them, tossing them one at a time to him. "Calm down," I told him, laughing. I was in higher spirits than I was before. I guess great sex will do that for you. Even though I knew he was leaving, we were both leaving, I felt like this wasn't the end. There was no way that it could be. It was just a roadblock, a stepping stone. "Calm down? I'm gonna miss my damn flight if I don't hurry up! You!" He pointed his finger at me. "You are making me late. This is  your fault. You and your bare ass!" I busted out laughing, even though I wasn't sure if he was serious or not. It was just too funny! He looked frantic, his hair sticking out everywhere from the amount of times he had run this hand through it, one shoe on, one shoe in his hand. "This is NOT my fault. You seduced me with your fucking eyes and those damn magical hands of yours." His eyes glinted, giving me that look that had me clenching my legs together again. "Put your damn shoes on Colby. Sam's gonna-" A banging at the door cut me off. "Cole Robert Brock, put your dick in your pants and come on! You've got clothes all over the fucking room and we're running out of time!" Sam's voice came bearing down on both of us. Colby looked like a child who had just got caught doing something wrong. 

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