70 Colby's POV

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"Yeaahh," she said, looking at her phone. "Ugh, he gets on my nerves," she said, throwing her phone into her bag. "Who?" I asked, being nosy. "Her boyfriend, Ryan. He's a dick," Terra replied, pursing her lips, while she looked at Kenzie with a worried expression. "I thought you were ignoring him." Kenzie sighed, and rolled her eyes. "I tried but you know I can't do that for too long. I've literally been keeping him updated on everything that we've been doing, and who we're hanging out with and he's just being a total ass about it. I swear, I think he would be happier if I just never came and stayed home to cater to him." "I know he would be, and don't you dare do that shit!" Sarah exclaimed, laying back and propping herself with her elbows. "You need to just dump him already Kenz. This shit isn't worth it. He makes you miserable more than he makes you happy, and you know it." "Can we just not talk about this right now? I want to enjoy myself on our last night," Kenzie snapped, her eyes flashing. Damn. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend," I said, keeping my voice neutral. He sounded like a straight dick but it wasn't my place to say it. "Yeah, we've been going out a while now. I love him. He's just overbearing sometimes," she replied, looking down at the bags of food that she had brought, fidgeting with them. Denise scoffed, while Sarah muttered "More like all the time," under her breath. Then a soft, understanding voice spoke up. "Guys..." I looked over to Terra, who was watching Kenzie. Kenzie's head was down, and she was biting her lip, but I'm pretty sure that I saw her chin tremble. "Let's play a game or something," I said, trying to take the attention off of her. It wasn't fun when you're friends ganged up on you, even if they were trying to help. I'm sure she knew what a dick her boyfriend was, but no matter what they said, she had to admit it to herself. I had learned that the hard way before. "Sure, but what?" Sam replied. "How about Never have I ever, or Truth or Drink, something like that? I have a bottle of whiskey in my bag," I said. "Why do you just randomly have a bottle of whiskey in your bag?" Tara whispered. I wasn't sure if she meant for me to hear or was talking to herself, but I answered. "I stuck it in there a while back when I was going to Brennen's. He had all the alcohol we needed so I didn't have to bring it out. Never took out of my bag." "Oh," she replied, looking sheepish. I swear, sometimes people think I'm an alcoholic in the making when I only drank socially. Granted, sometimes I was social a lot, but more often that not, I wasn't. "Okay, Truth or Drink sounds good," Kat said, picking up the bag of crackers next to her that Kenzie had brought. "Let me get something on my stomach though before we start tossing back shots." I nodded, and grinned. "Probably a good idea. Let's eat a little," I replied. My stomach was actually in knots, but I wasn't exactly sure why. Maybe I was hoping that certain questions didn't get answered in front of Terra, or maybe I was upset because this was our last night together. Either way, I knew the whiskey would loosen me up like it usually did. I pulled the bottle out of my bag and twisted the top off, taking a swig. "You aren't going to eat?" Denise asked, hers eyebrows going up as she watched me. "Yeah, just wanted to take a sip. Pass me the almonds." I held my hand out and she tossed me the bag. We ate our fill on the munchie food, and laughed a little at Katrina annoying Sam. "But Saaaammm, I want it. Kiwi (her dog) would look adorable in it!" She was showing him something on her phone. "Katrina, that's too much money to spend on a dog bed!" She pouted, sticking out her bottom lip. "It's not just the bed. It's got matching accessories, AND a couple of matching dresses. Totally worth it. Sam, it's blue! It matches my hair!" He looked at her for a moment, sticking his tongue in his cheek, then sighed. "Fiiiine, I'll order it tomorrow but you aren't getting anything for your birthday." She squealed and threw her arms around his neck, almost knocking him backwards, kissing him all over his face. "I love youuuuuu," she said. "I love you too." "That's so fucking sweet, I could puke," I muttered, watching them with a grin. "They're adorable," Terra replied, nudging me with her shoulder, and laughing. "I guess they are," I agreed, smiling down at her. "Okay, everyone finished eating?" I asked loudly, to be heard over them talking. They nodded, and yelled their affirmations. "Let's get started then." I clapped my hands, and rubbed them together, a little excited to find out more about Terra. I pulled my legs in and sat cross legged, turning around so that we were facing Denise and Kenzie. We all spread out so that were in a circle. "Who's starting?" Sam asked, pulling Kat towards him, so that she was leaning back on him. "I will," I replied, holding my finger up. "Do you guys know the rules?" The girls nodded their heads, while Sarah rolled her eyes. "Of course we know the fucking rules. Come on with it Colby!" I smirked a little at her brazenness and nodded. "Okay then. Since you're so ready to get started Sarah, I'll ask you a question first. Did you and Brennen fuck?" I heard Terra's sharp inhale, letting me know that I had shocked her by asking that so straightforward ,but that's what the game was about, right? Sarah didn't look surprised at all, and just smirked at me, before grabbing the bottle out of my hand. 

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