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"Denise isn't as tough as she seems," I continued. He stared at me for a second, then we both heard the water in the shower shut off. He nodded. "I will do my very best to not hurt her. I really like her. I never want to hurt her," he replied, looking down at his lap. "That's all I can ask," I replied, picking up my brush to fix my hair. Denise came out of the bathroom a short while later, looking as perfect as ever. Her hair was brushed back and pulled into a high pony, her makeup lightly applied to make her natural features stand out even more. The outfit that I had picked out for her, black shorts with an emerald green flannel tied above her waist, looked amazing. She grinned at me, and blushed a little when when Corey let out a low whistle. She found her black and white checkered vans and pulled them on to complete the outfit. It was simple, like mine, but she looked so good. I finally realized what it was that was making her look so different to me right then. The smile, and the light in her eyes. She was genuinely happy. I just hoped that she wasn't as crushed as I knew that I would be when this trip came to an end. A knock on the door caught my attention, so I dropped my brush on the dresser, and went to look through the peephole. I saw dark hair, with blue layered throughout the thick tresses. I smiled, and opened the door. Colby stood there, with Sam behind him. He grinned and held up two bags from McDonalds. "Good Morning Beautiful. We brought breakfast." Sam smiled and held up the drink carriers that he had. I stepped back to allow them room to come inside. Colby kissed my cheek as he stepped in, then went to the dresser to put the bags down. "Wait, where's Jake?" I asked, closing the door behind Sam. Colby shrugged, and popped a hashround into his mouth. "He wouldn't wake up," Sam replied, sitting the drinks down next to the bags. "Not surprised," Corey replied, getting up to see what was in the bags. Colby passed him a biscuit, then handed them out to the rest of us. We sat around the room, Sam and Colby at the little table that was next to the bed, while Corey, Denise, and I sat on the bed. "Thanks for the breakfast bruva. Really hit the spot," Corey said, finishing up, and rubbing his stomach. "No problem," Colby replied, wiping his mouth with a napkin. His phone started ringing, so he picked it up and looked at it. A smile crossed his face. "What's up bitch?" he said into the phone. He laughed, then looked at me and winked. I felt my face heat up again. Why did the simplest things have that affect on me? "Yeah, come over to the girls' room. Sam and I got breakfast." He hung up and stood, then started cleaning up the little bit of trash that was scattered on the table. Jake showed up a few minutes later. Colby opened the door, and Jake walked inside without saying a word, heading straight for the McDonald's bag. "Well good morning sunshine," Colby said, shaking his head as he closed the door behind him. Jake looked like he had slept in his clothes, and hadn't even bothered brushing his hair yet. I could almost guarantee that he had just woken up and immediately called Colby. The guys joked around, teasing Jake for a little while, but he didn't even acknowledge it. He was only paying attention to the food in front of him. "Okay, so we have a big day planned. We should get to it," Sam said, cleaning up his own mess. Jake finished up and he and Corey went back to their room to shower, change, and get ready for the day. Sam and Colby hung out with us, until they came back. "So what happened last night?" I asked nervously. While I was insanely interested in the paranormal, when crazy things happened, it still freaked me out. "Oh yeah, that was fucking crazy," Colby said, shaking his head. "I don't think we'll be messing with the Ouija board anymore while we're here." "What happened?" I repeated anxiously. "Well," Colby started, mussing his hair a little before twisting his helix piercing. "We set everything up, then tried to contact Anna. Nothing happened for the first thirty minutes and we were about to give up. Until the same chair that Sam saw the other night, dragged itself across the floor towards us, stopping just outside the salt circle." He shook his head again. "Honestly, if I hadn't been frozen in fear when that happened, I probably would've broken the circle real quick." "We tried again after the chair incident," Sam said, continuing the story. "We got the answers that yes, it was Anna, that she died from a broken heart after losing the man she loved, and that's she's apparently very angry about it." Colby nodded at him, and took a drink from his water bottle. "Yeah man, she was not happy. We had a few of our things thrown around the room, and she didn't want to stop when we said goodbye. So we ended up surrounding the beds with a salt circle, just to be safe." "Oh wow. Maybe you guys should change rooms...since you've already pissed her off. Why do you keep pissing off the damn ghosts?" I asked, my voice raising a little. Colby's eyes widened as he raised his eyebrows at me. "We don't do it on purpose! It just happens that way..." He looked so sheepish when he said that, I almost laughed, but somehow managed to keep a straight face. "She's not wrong though," Sam replied. "We might actually need to change rooms."

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