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I couldn't hold it together much longer. The way he was looking at me right now, as he pulled back. wasn't helping. This was literally tearing me apart. "Colby, brother, I hate to rush you but we really have to go," Sam said, sorrow evident in his voice. Colby looked over to him and nodded. I saw Katrina wipe a tear from her eye. "Okay guys, it's time for hugs. I'm going miss you all and I had a wonderful time. I mean it about hitting me up if you come LA. I would love to hang out with you again," She said, holding her arms out to Sarah for a hug. Each of my friends hugged her and Sam, then looked at me expectantly. "Bring it in," Sam said, smiling as he motioned his arms towards me. Colby grinned a little, not letting it reach his eyes, and pushed me towards Sam, while he went in to hugging my friends. Sam wrapped his arms around me, and I felt the tears prick my eyes again. I didn't even get to know him as much as I wanted too, simply because I had been too wrapped up in Colby. My heart seized when I realized that I didn't get to know any of them. Not Brennen, or Jake and Tara, not Kat, and not Sam. The only one that I had even remotely spent time with was Colby. Yeah, the others had been around a lot but my concentration had always been on Colby. I had missed my chance...and now it was too late. Colby wasn't the only one being snatched away from me. This was my dream life. To be friends with the them, to hang out with them, play games, go to parties, grow close and be a part of their group, even just for a little while. I had let my heart rule me, and not even thought of the fact that I wouldn't get this chance again. I wasn't surprised though. It was always Colby. I wouldn't be surprised if I was still thinking about him when I was 80, long after he had quit YouTube and gotten a family of his own. Me, being nothing more than a distant memory. A choked sob escaped my throat before I could stop it, and Sam rubbed my back. "We'll see you again." I looked up at him, stunned by what he had said. "How do you know?" I whispered, teetering on the edge of breaking down completely, but somehow holding it back. He smirked and looked up and the side. "A demon told me," he replied shrugging. I let out a short, watery laugh, and sniffed. "Okay, my turn," Kat said, pulling me from Sam's arms. Her blue hair engulfed my face, but I didn't mind. I knew that Katrina could be a great friend to me. She was so sweet and kind. I just felt so comfortable with her. Like I did with Sam. "I gave Kenzie my number. I'm trusting you guys. Hit me up sometime," she whispered in my ear, before pulling back and smiling, tears threatening her own eyes. "Okay, go," she said, pushing me back towards Colby. He held his hand out to me as I turned back to him. Sam and Kat started loading their things into the trunk of the car, while I took his hand. He pulled me to him again, and I buried my face in his chest. I inhaled deeply, wanting to remember everything about him. His scent, the way his heart beat sounded, the way his lips curved up, lifting his cheeks. The glint in his eye when he said something perverted. The way they twinkled when he laughed. The softness of his lips, and warmth of his skin against mine. "I don't think I can do this," I whispered, more to myself than him. My chest was constricting, making it hard to breathe. I felt like my lungs were in a vice, being squeezed until there was no room left in them. My heart literally hurt. He pulled back and cupped my face in his hands. "I WILL keep in touch. This isn't the end. I promise," he replied. One single tear betrayed me, and slid down my cheek as I stared into his own red, glassy eyes. "You said you couldn't make me any promises. Don't do this. I can't handle it," I replied, my voice shaking even more. He shook his head. "I mean it. I don't know when or how, or what the hell I'm even promising to be honest, but I won't forget you. This won't be the last time we see each other...but I have to go now. I'm going to miss you Terra." He moved his hands to the sides of my head, threading through my hair, and leaned in, pressing his soft lips to mine. The kiss was bittersweet, like before, slow and gentle, goodbye evident in every movement. We melted into each other, knowing that this could very well be the last time our lips ever touched, savoring every detail. I tasted salt and knew that the tears were streaming down my face now. I had tried so hard, but it was just too much. He broke away far too soon, looking into my eyes. "Goodbye baby girl." He kissed me again, pressing his lips hard against mine for just a couple of seconds, before turning his back and loading his things into the car. My friends gathered around me, as we all watched Sam, Kat, and then Colby climb into the hated Uber. He closed the door, then lifted his hand to us, sadness in his eyes, before looking away as the car drove off. That's when I let the overwhelming feeling of despair take me. I crumbled to the hard concrete ground.

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