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"If they agree to leave right now, all of them, and not come back, I won't press charges. I just wanted a fun night out with my friends, not to be groped by a fucking ignorant redneck," I replied, giving Steve a deadpan look and tilting my head a little. He didn't reply, but the look he gave me...well, if looks could kill. "Press the fucking charges Terra," Colby growled again. I cocked my eyebrow at him, as I caught his eye. "No. There's no point. He got worse than I did, thanks to you guys, and I just want to have fun. Not spend half my damn night in a police station, thank you." My anger started rising a little, leftover from what had happened. I was tired of guys telling me what to do, or what I wanted. Fuck that. Even if it was Colby mother fucking Brock. "This is my choice, not yours. It happened to me. You don't like it, you can leave too," I smarted out, hearing the condescending tone of my voice but unable to stop it. Oh shit...I didn't just say that to him. I take it back. His head went back a little as his eyebrows went up in surprise. There was still a little anger in his eyes but it had calmed a little. The storm wasn't raging anymore, now it was just a strong rain. "Okay then," he replied, nodding his head at me, and turning towards the security guys...cops...whatever they were. "So we can stay?" The cop looked at me. "You aren't pressing charges?" I shook my head. "No, just want them to leave. Him and his friends." He nodded his head at me. "You heard the lady. You're lucky I don't kick your ass myself. You don't put your hands on a woman without her permission. I would've put my foot so far up your-" He had grabbed Steve by the arm, and was shuffling him out of the bar, his friends following them, with the other security guy behind them. Colby didn't say another word to us, just walked to the bar. Sam threw me an apologetic look, while Brennen and Jake followed Colby, and Tara glanced back with a smile and a thumbs up, before catching up with Jake. The fuck did that mean? I was so confused and I had just pissed off my idol, my crush, the guy who had come to my rescue like a fucking knight in shining armor. I was a complete and total dumb ass. I let him walk away. There was no way that I was going to embarrass myself even more. My friends were gathered around me at that point, and I looked over to Denise. "Necee, what did I do?" She gave me a sympathetic smile. "Girl, it's okay. If he can't take you telling him to go fuck himself when he's trying to tell you what to do...well, he's not who we thought he was." Sarah laced her fingers through mine, while Kenzie stepped up and hugged my neck. "We're all okay. That's what matters right now. Are you good? I'm sorry that nasty bastard put his hands on you," she said, her anger seeping through her voice, as she leaned back and ran her fingers over my wound. "I'm fine. It's not a big deal. He got what was coming to him...thanks to Colby..." I sighed, and looked over to the bar. They were still standing there, their backs to us as they waited on their drinks. Tara had a stamp on her hand so she obviously wouldn't be drinking, being underage and all. "Come on, let's check out the bar upstairs. We still have some dancing to do and we'll dance by our damn selves. Stupid boys think that we need em," Sarah said, pulling me along with her, as she headed up the stairs. I laughed a little at her song reference, but took one last look at the bar. Still the same. Backs to us, standing at the bar, waiting for the rest of their drinks. The only difference is that now Sam had his drink and no longer had his back turned. He lifted his drink in the air, and nodded as I caught his eye. I sighed and turned my head away, letting my friends lead me upstairs. I gasped when we reached the second floor landing. It was even better up here. Same layout, but different decorations and music. White globe lights lit the the walls of the dance floor, flashing in and out, occasionally changing to a blue or a green. The music though! "Oh my God," I exclaimed, getting excited again. The song blasting from the speakers was by my childhood idol, the Queen, Pink herself. We ran to the dance floor, not bothering with drinks just yet, as we started jumping to the beat of "Raise Your Glass." They were playing older music and I was living for it. We laughed, we jumped, we raised our fists, and screamed the words to the song. I forgot, for a few moments, that I had pissed off one of the most important people in my life, because he was trying to help me. Because he was telling me not to worry about him being arrested, and to press charges towards a fucking asshole that would probably try to do that to some other not so lucky girl. Damn it. I lost all my enthusiasm that I had just had, and my dancing slowed with it, as the song went off. "I think I'm gonna go sit for a few minutes," I told Necee, leaning in so that she could hear me. "You good?" She asked, moving her body to the next song. "Yeah, just gonna get a drink and sit for a few. Hot," I replied, fanning myself with one hand, while holding my hair up off the nape of my neck with the other. "Okay, be safe. Stay by the bar," she replied. I nodded, and blew her a kiss before walking off the dance floor, towards the bar. "Can I get a Sex on my Face?" I asked the bartender, blushing a little. She smiled and nodded, before gathering the things to make my drink. "Well," I heard that voice next to me, and inwardly groaned. 

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