187 Colby's POV

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I let the girls walk a little in front of me, so that they could talk without feeling like I was listening to everything. I didn't want to come today, because I knew that Terra was probably looking forward to spending some time with Kat and Tara, but Katrina talked me into it. "Colby, you HAVE to come! You can't just pass up this opportunity when you know that you still love her!" I raised my eyebrows at her. "I never said that I loved her in the first place Kat. You're reaching." She rolled her eyes at me, and kept putting on her makeup. "You don't have to say it. Anyone with eyes can see it, when you just speak her name. Your eyes light up, and you start smiling. You even blush sometimes, staring off into space. That's when I know you're thinking about her. You can't just let her go. You have to fight for her," she replied, expertly blending her eyeshadow. "I plan on fighting for her...or at least, I think I do. I don't want to mess up her life. She said she's happy with Justin and I can see that she loves him. He helped her in a lot of ways that I didn't. He was there for her..." I trailed off, thinking of what Terra had told me she had been through. She's addict. I would never have guessed. "Helped her with what? Moving to LA? You offered to do that. Why didn't she take you up on it?" I shook my head. "No, she moved to LA on her own. She would never accept help on something like that. I can't say what he helped her with. She was just in a bad place in her life, and he helped her through it. She'll have to tell you the rest but don't ask her. If she tells you, okay, if not, don't worry about it. It's her business." She looked at me in confusion. "Fine. I won't push for her to tell me anything, but you're still coming today. We need a ride." Now, it was my turn to roll my eyes. "Why? Where's your car? Or Tara's?" She applied a layer of lip gloss to her lips, and looked at me in the mirror, smiling. "Tara's car is in the shop and Sam brought me over here. So, we need a ride." "You planned this didn't you?" I asked, sighing. She shrugged. "Why would I do that?" she asked, smiling mischievously. I shook my head at her, unable to contain my own smile. "You're diabolical Katrina Stuart." She flipped her hair back, letting it fall over her shoulders. "Don't you forget it Colby Brock. Okay," she said, giving herself one last glance in the mirror before turning to me. "Let's go pick up Tara and go see the love of your life." "Stop it," I groaned. Now, here I was walking behind them, enjoying the view of Terra's hips swaying in front of me, as we walked her back to her office. I had seen her eyes light up, and the tears start to form before she blinked them away, when I pushed the plate of cheesecake towards her. Brownie points for me. I really didn't want to ruin her relationship, but I felt like we were meant to be. If she pushed me out of her life, then I would have to accept it, but for now, she acted like she enjoyed seeing me. The girls were talking about the night out that they had planned for this weekend. Girls night, no guys allowed, as I was so sternly told by Tara. She was literally an entire foot shorter than me, but damned if she wasn't intimidating sometimes. I was overjoyed when I received the text from Terra, talking about her office, and how excited she was for her first day. I mean, I was sure that she probably texted or called Justin too, but the fact that she had included me in her day had to mean something...right? I didn't know if I could be just friends with her, but Katrina was right. I did love her, more than I had ever loved anyone. She said we didn't know each other, but she was wrong. Those short times spent together, she had really opened up to me. I knew that she didn't really like coffee, but but loved the white chocolate macchiato from Starbucks. I knew that she twisted her earring or her rings when she was nervous, just like I did. I knew that when she smiled, her nose would crinkle just a little, and she had this tiny dimple in her left cheek when she smiled really big. I knew that animals were her weak spot, and she would adopt every single one that didn't have a home, if she could. I knew that photography had always been her dream, and that she loved to tell a story with the pictures that she took. These little things and so much more added up to be her. I knew her, even if we hadn't technically spent much time together. I knew that I loved her. If she allowed too, I would make her realize that she loved me too. Justin seemed like a really good guy and I hated to be THAT guy that would break up a happy relationship but...I wasn't really doing anything. Just spending time with her and talking to her. Being a friend, for now. If that was the only way she allowed me into her life, then so be it. It was better than not being in her life at all, even if it killed me to see her with him. We reached the entrance to her office building, and the girls started hugging each other. "I'm going to facetime you every night. We will NOT lose touch again," Tara huffed out. Terra laughed, and let go of Kat to hug Tara. "I promise we won't. I've missed you guys. Watching the videos isn't the same, and if I'm being honest, I haven't really been keeping up with anyone's videos...it was just kind of hard to do," she said, glancing at me quickly, then back to Tara. I could understand that because I stopped keeping up with her as much as I used too, when the random guys were popping up. 

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