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Kat still looked absolutely amazing, day old makeup on her face, hair messy and sticking up on her head, eyes swollen from not enough sleep. She looked like a damn beauty queen. How was that even fair? I looked like a chipmunk who had an allergic reaction in the mornings. Swollen eyes and cheeks, hair sticking up everywhere...it just wasn't a good look for me. I honestly hated that Colby had seen me when I first wake up, but the reason why he did...well, that I would never regret. I followed Katrina to the little room service tray in the corner of the room. It had a coffee pot, with multiple little containers of flavored creamer, ranging from caramel to hazelnut. I didn't really care for coffee but seeing as how I didn't have my energy drink, this would have to do. I poured me a cup, and grabbed a caramel and vanilla flavored creamer pack. As I was stirring the creamer into my cup, I felt a warm hand touch my elbow. I jumped a little, sloshing the coffee over the side of the cup onto the table. "Careful baby girl. You don't wanna burn yourself." That husky voice trailed over my skin like actual fingertips, making me close my eyes to enjoy it for a second. I left the coffee on the table and turned towards Colby. He put his arms around my waist, and rested his forehead against mine. "So we've graduated to baby girl now?" I asked, smiling up at him. He grinned and pressed his lips to mine for a quick kiss. "Yeah. Just had to work up to it. Besides, I saw on your fan page that you would kill for me to say that to you. Just thought I would make your dream come true," he replied, smirking at me. I jerked back from him, my mouth falling open. "Oh you absolute ASS!" He started laughing, and pulled me back against him. "Don't worry. You've made my dreams come true too." The grin faded from my face in shock, as I stared at him. Me? How? What did he even mean? Ugh, he confused the shit out of me, but I was too afraid to ask what he meant. He was leaving, we both were. There was no point in opening myself up to even more heartache, with him telling me something like that. So I just leaned into him, and wrapped my arms around him for another lingering hug. I felt so much comfort from this. Just his scent and warmth surrounding me. There wasn't anywhere else in the world that I would rather be, and he pulled away far too soon. "Sam is gonna beat my ass if I don't finish packing. I'd hold you all day if I could," he replied, tucking my hair behind my ear, then leaning in to press a soft kiss to my lips. I leaned in, pressing my lips against his with more force, and grinning when I felt his smile. "Okay, you can go pack now," I said, breaking away from him. He winked at me, then turned to walk back over to the bed where his suitcase was. The melancholy mood settled back into my chest as I watched him. This was going to be one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I met the man of my dreams, only to find out that he really is everything that I thought he was. He had the sweetest soul of anyone that I had ever met, always worried about everyone else, the kindness he showed to his fans was staggering, no matter how they treated him, the way he talked about his pets back home, the love he had for his friends...just literally everything. Then add in how perfectly amazing he was from his eyes, to his damn toes and I was a goner. And he liked me back. Or I think he does. There really isn't anyway to be sure because it didn't really matter. He gave me some special times that I would never forget and I would always love him. To get your dream, just a taste of what that life could be like, then to have it physically ripped from your arms...it was beginning to feel like my heart was in a meat grinder, just being mashed to a pulp. I gasped quietly from the surge of pain that ripped up through my chest, my lungs having the air snatched from them. I wouldn't cry. I wouldn't. A knock on the door caught my attention. Sam opened it to three very sleepy looking friends of mine. Kenzie, Sarah, and Denise all filed into the room as Sam's motioning. "Rest well ladies?" Colby asked, grinning at them. "Fuck you Colby," Sarah sniped. She really wasn't very friendly when she was sleep deprived. Colby's mouth fell open in shock "What did I do?" he asked. "You," she exclaimed, pointing her finger at him. "Did her," her finger came to rest on me. "Too FUCKING loudly. ALL DAMN NIGHT!" Colby's mouth snapped shut, his eyes going wide. I was in shock too. I couldn't believe that she had just said that. Kat slapped her hand over her mouth, a snort coming out before she could stop it. Sam was quiet for about two seconds before he literally bent over laughing. This got Kenzie and Denise started too, and the looks on our faces probably didn't help matters. Sarah just stood there, silently fuming, her arms crossed over her chest while the rest laughed. Colby ran his hand through his hair nervously and chuckled. "Um, yeah, ha, sorry about that Sarah," he replied, then glanced at me like he was begging for help. I rolled my eyes and took a step towards her, pointing my finger at her. "You can't say a damn word, bc you and Brennen were going at it like fucking monkeys! I had enough decency to not say anything about it though." I stepped back and crossed my arms, standing just like she was. She cocked her eyebrow at me, and pursed her lips. "Touche," she replied wryly. "I need coffee." She walked past me to the coffee, and that was it. 

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