106 Colby's POV

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I continued to look at the photos she had on her board, really amazed by what I saw. One of Jake and I while I had him in a headlock. Sam and I clasping hands while we grinned at one another. When did she even take these pics? I don't remember her doing it. She was really good at it though. Then there were ones from our videos. Printed out and posted on this cork board like they were memories that she had experienced personally. Three or four captured me with my mouth wide open, my head thrown back a little, laughing. I usually didn't like those pictures but for some reason, these felt different. Like I could actually feel the joy that I was feeling at that moment. "Those are just some of the moments I always knew I could have experienced with you ..." she cleared her throat as her cheeks flamed up a little. "Um, you and the rest of the guys. You know how our fans do. Always dreaming of being part of the friend group. "I turned my head to look at her, seeing her staring at the photos with me. She reached up and took the edges of one picture in particular." This is my favorite, "She replied, glancing at me. It was the one of me lying in bed next to her when we stayed up all night talking. I was leaning back against the headboard, a small grin on my face as I looked at her taking my picture. I remembered it perfectly ... and I missed that night. I missed how easy it had turned out to be, after she felt comfortable around me. "Yeah, I like that one ... but I'd have to say this is my favorite, "I replied, pointing to one that someone, I'm guessing She reached up and took the edges of one picture in particular. "This is my favorite," she replied, glancing at me. It was the one of me lying in bed next to her when we stayed up talking all night. I was leaning back against the headboard, a small grin on my face as I looked at her taking my picture. I remembered it perfectly ... and I missed that night. I missed how easy it had turned out to be, after she felt comfortable around me. "Yeah, I like that one ... but I'd have to say this is my favorite," I replied, pointing to one that someone, I'm guessing Sarah by how extremely hot the picture was, had taken when we were in the hot tub at PlayList. Terra was standing up next to me, the water trailing down over her body, as she pushed her hair back from her face. I should probably be embarrassed by the look of utter need that was in my eyes in that picture as I watched her, but I wasn't. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, as I looked back at her. "Of course it is. You're such a guy," she replied, laughing a little, as she stepped back towards her bed, and slipped her shoes off. I watched as she sat down, and pulled her legs up, causing her skirt to ride up her thighs. I inhaled sharply as my eyes trailed the same line that the material did. My fingers ached to run over that soft skin again, so I put my hands in my pockets and sat down next to her. "Do you have bags or anything with you? Something to sleep in?" She asked, looking over to me. I shook my head. "No, this was...this wasn't exactly planned." She furrowed her eyebrows at me in confusion. How the hell was I going to explain that I didn't know if I was wanted to come or not... "What do you mean?" She asked. "You knew you were coming to Georgia...so you didn't know that you were going to come see me?" My tongue darted out to wet my dry lips before my teeth clamped down onto my botto one. I shook my head again. "No, I...I didn't know if I would have time or not. Then I just decided fuck it and jumped in the car." Her face softened. "Oh...that's so sweet Colby. I'm glad you came." She wrapped her arms around my neck and fell back onto the bed, bringing me with her, so that I was hovering over her. She giggled at the surprise on my face. I held myself up with one arm, and brought my other hand to her face, pushing her hair back. "I'm glad I came too," I replied, before leaning down to press my lips to hers. Once again, I wondered why I even thought I could let her go, as I melted into her. This was where I was supposed to be. I was pretty damn sure that I loved her, even though we hadn't spent much time together. We had some kind of connection that I had never felt with any other girl. I broke the kiss, pressed my lips to hers firmly once more, then lay back and pulled her to my chest. We lay like that for a while, her curled into me, as I trailed my fingers back and forth over her bare midriff, listening to her breathing. I yawned and closed my eyes, thinking that we would actually crawl into the bed correctly in a few minutes. I was wrong. I awoke the next morning to my phone blasting Sam's ringtone repetitively. I groaned and cursed a little as I fished my phone out of my pants pocket. My legs were stiff from hanging off of the bed most of the night. "Yeah, Sam hey," I rasped into the phone. "Colby, are you on the road? Almost here? Please tell me that you're almost here," he exclaimed hurriedly. I glanced over to Terra who was still curled against me, one bare leg draped over my waist. "Um no, I'm not, but I'm leaving now. I'll be there as soon as I can. Is everything okay?" I asked, the edge in his voice getting to me a little. "Yeah...no. My camera isn't working for some reason, and we need yours. But yours is in the damn car. We never got it out yesterday. So we can't film because neither Corey or Jake brought their camera. Can you just hurry up? You were supposed to be headed this way two hours ago," he said grumpily. I pulled the phone back to check the time. "Well damn," I muttered, catching sight of it. "My alarm didn't go off Sam. I don't know why. I'll be there as soon as I can brother. Promise." "Yeah, okay, be careful. And Colby?" "Yeah," I asked, trying to maneuver Terra off of me without disturbing her too much yet. "Is Terra coming back with you?" How the fuck did he know that?" I cleared my throat. "Um, yeah, and Denise, I think." "Okay, we'll make room. See you soon." 

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