95 Colby's POV

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I was so confused. There was no way I could logically think of a way to make this work. We hadn't discussed anything about dating or not dating anyone else. We just kind of left it where it was. Sure, we texted every day and talked sometimes, but we still only flirted a little, and talked. That was it. There was no relationship talk...and I knew why. Neither one of us knew what to say about it, much less what to do. I sighed heavily, not wanting to think about it. "You know what you need to do. That's all I'm gonna say. The Georgia trip may be your only chance to do it the right way. Come on, put a smile on and let's go do this photo shoot." I became so busy for the next two weeks, with the new merch drops, the planning for the trip, my own personal channel, and other business deals that I had going on, Sam and I had going on, that I rarely talked to Terra. I would shoot her the occasional text, maybe talk to or facetime her for a couple of minutes, but it was always super fast. There just wasn't enough time in the days. Before I knew it, we were ready to fly out to Georgia. "Well boys, get ready to Yee Haw!" Corey said, slapping his leg. He and Jake were going with us, like they usually did on our series trips. I smiled and shook my head. "Dude, stop." "What wrongs Colbs? Is it because your girlfriend likes to Yee Haw? I know she likes to ride, but does that make you a cowboy?" "Jake!" I exclaimed, swinging around on him, after I put my bags in the Uber. "Bro, no." I laughed, but I wasn't gonna talk about that with them. Not yet, maybe not ever. It just didn't feel right. "Oh come on man, we're just joshin ya!" Corey said, before wiggling his eyebrows at me and climbing into the car. Jake laughed and joined him, while Sam just smiled at me, kind of sadly, then climbed into the front. I sighed and slammed the trunk, before getting in the back beside Jake. This was going to be a long trip, if I had to keep listening to their horrible jokes about the South. We had a four and a half hour flight, plus an hour or so in a car before we reached Savannah. I had no clue how far away Terra lived, or what I was going to do about it. I hadn't even told her that I was coming to Georgia. I had about five hours to think about it though. I hadn't been sleeping well, so I put my headphones in and turned up my music to block out Corey and Jake. They still hadn't stopped with the jokes. I closed my eyes and let my seat back as much as I could and tried to sleep. I drifted in and out but my mind was racing with thoughts of Terra and what I needed to do...what I didn't want to do. I must have eventually fallen asleep, because I felt someone shaking my arm. I opened my arms to see Sam leaning over me. "Hey brother, time to go," he said. I nodded, and stood up to stretch. We exited the plane, got our rental car, and set in for the hour or so drive. I pulled out my camera and started documenting the trip for the series. We would need this footage for the first episode. The guys joked around, until Jake fell asleep in the backseat. Sam was driving, and Corey was talking about how he couldn't believe we had talked him into doing another seance at a freaky place. I laughed along with Sam, and panned the camera to the guys, then back to the scenery before putting it up for a while. I texted Kat and asked her to ask Sarah for Terra's address. If I decided to see her, it would be a surprise, so I asked her to tell Sarah not to say anything. I'm sure I would've gotten a heated response from Sarah, if she knew my number. I was thankful she didn't at that moment. I could already tell Katrina was upset with me from her "really Colby? smh." I hadn't spoken with anyone besides Sam about the situation, so they didn't know how hard this was for me. I did some research on the various places that we would see in Savannah. The town was loaded with haunts to see. I was actually pretty excited about it. We were going to see The Olde Harbour Inn, The Moon River Brewing Company, the Old Candler Hospital Morgue Tunnel...I was kind of spooked about that one, just by the name. We were going to stay at a B&B called The 17Hundred90 Inn. The pictures that I had seen made it seem like it would cozy and homey on the inside, while the outside wasn't as picturesque. We weren't really stressing about all that though. As long as the place was nice, and reasonably clean, with a bed to sleep on, we were good. We had specifically asked for room 204, because that was said to the be the most haunted room they had. We pulled up to the place, and I looked out the window at the old style, two story, white paneled building. There was a tavern, or a bar, located in the bottom floor, while the rooms were on the second floor. That could be convenient, if we had any down time and wanted a drink. We got out, and retrieved our bags, then lugged them to the front of the building. There was a large off white awning over the front door with the Inn's name on it. It shielded us from the hot Georgia sun for a bit. We were met with cool air when we opened the door, so that was a good sign that the ac was up and running. It get's hot in LA, don't get me wrong, but this was just...a different kind of hot. Here, the air felt wet and sticky almost. It was only April. The lady at the desk checked us in, gave us our keys, and told us how to get to the second floor. Sam and I would, of course, be sharing a room, while Jake and Corey would share the room next to us. 

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