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 While the whiskey had definitely helped loosen me up, I had also just said fuck it. This was my last night with Colby mother fucking Brock. There was no way in hell I was going to waste it. "When did you get so forward?" he asked, as I pressed my body closer to his. "Are you complaining?" I asked, looking up at him.He shook his head, and swallowed convulsively. I was actually making him nervous. That gave me a feeling of empowerment and just made me braver. My mind was mostly clear, but I had to admit, to myself at least, that there was no way I would be this brazen if I didn't have that warm liquid still coursing through my veins to some degree. I pulled his hair a little, and raised up on my tip toes, holding on to him as a wave hit us. He held my hips tightly, his fingers biting into my skin, almost burning me, even under the water. I was entranced by his eyes, the glow of them from the moonlight making them even more enticing. This was a perfect night. The beach, the inky black waves pushing against us, the night sky littered with stars, the moon reflecting off of the water. I honestly couldn't ask for a better final night...except for one thing. And I planned on getting that one thing. He leaned down, his lips finally meeting mine. I sighed in contentment, as his mouth worked with mine, and gripped his hair even tighter. The water pushed against us, the waves seeming to get a little stronger, fueled by the emotions running through me. He caught my bottom lip with his teeth, and I gasped, opening to let him explore deeper. A wave came against us, almost knocking me over, until Colby's hands moved from my hips to my ass, holding me in place against his obvious excitement. I had always wondered about what he was working with down there. Had even had very lengthy, detailed conversations in group chats about the subject. From what I felt pressed up against my lower belly, I wasn't going to be disappointed. He broke the kiss, leaving both of us breathing heavily. Cheers erupted from off to the side of us, and I automatically buried my face in his chest. His arms came around me and I felt, more than heard, the deep chuckle he let out. "Woooo, get it boo! That's my girl!" That was Sarah. "Damn Colby, control yourself brother!" Sam. Kat let out a whistle that was so loud, I felt it vibrate my eardrums, and Kenzie and Denise were just yelling and laughing. "Oh shut up! You guys are just jealous," Colby replied. I looked up at him, and saw the biggest grin, like he was proud of himself. I wasn't sure how I felt about that. Was it just because he had finally broken me down and he knew it? Was I just like the other girls that I knew him and Brennen liked to go find? Or did he genuinely like me? I was so confused and I knew that I was starting to overthink things again. So I reached up, and planted a kiss on his jaw, before slipping out of his arms and splashing back towards the beach. "Why would I be jealous? I have my girl. I just don't wanna see your junk splashing around in the water," Sam replied, jokingly. "Oh my God, that's a mental image that I didn't need," Kat groaned. Sam and Colby both started laughing as they all made their way back to the shore. I dug around in my bag and pulled out my towel, drying off the best I could. "You guys want to head back to the hotel? It's getting kind of late," Sam asked, pulling a towel out and passing it to Kat, before pulling one out for himself. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea," Colby replied, his voice rough. I glanced at him, and almost stopped breathing. The look in his eyes, the want, the need, was enough to make me melt right on the spot. I clenched my legs together, trying to be inconspicuous about it ,but damn. I bit my lip, as the kiss flitted back through my mind. His hands grasping my ass, pressing me against his own excitement, while his mouth worked wonders on my own. "T," Denise whispered, standing right next to me. When did she get there? "Huh?" I asked jerking my gaze away from Colby's. "Your towel," she motioned to the towel that I was just letting drag the sandy beach. "Oh fuck," I groaned, pulling it back up. "Here, let me see it." Colby passed me his towel and took mine, snapping it a few times to sling the sand from it. He was going to use my sandy towel and let me use his. Well, if that wasn't the sweetest thing...I swear, he surprised me and made me fall more in love with him with the smallest things. I continued drying off, soaking up as much water as I could, and then towel drying my hair. "We can't get in my car like this. We have to stay a little while, just to air dry our suits, a little at least," I replied. "You're not driving," Colby said, pointing at me, then tying my towel around his waist. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Excuse me? It's my car." He shrugged and gave me that beautiful smile. "Don't care who's car it is. You've been drinking. You're not driving. I'll drive your car and Sam and Kat can call an Uber." He motioned his hand towards Sarah, Denise, and Kenzie. "One of you can ride with them, or however you want to do it, but you're not driving. None of you." Who the hell put him in charge? It was kind of hot though, if I was being honest. "You were drinking too," I replied, putting my hand on my hip. I was starting to get a little cold, so I reached down and grabbed his hoodie to pull over myself. He shook his head, watching me slip it on. "No, I only drank a couple of shots and that was hours ago. You guys finished the whole damn bottle."

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