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Sam shook his head. "I have no idea. It could've been. Maybe it was one of the workers that knew we were going to be investigating and decided to play a trick on us." "I don't think so Sam. The feeling once we saw it...the air changed. It was thick with...death," Colby said quietly. "That was definitely real," Jake whispered, staring out the window. "So you believe now Jake?" Sam asked, keeping his eyes on the road. Jake nodded slowly. "Yeah, I guess I do. I know what I saw." "Are you okay?" Colby asked me quietly, rubbing my back gently as I snuggled into his chest, while sitting in his lap in the back seat. "Yeah, I think so. That was terrifying. I've never experienced something like that," I replied, tracing my finger across the design that was on his black t-shirt. "Me either. But you're safe now. You know I wouldn't let anything hurt you," he whispered back. I nodded, but my mind wouldn't allow me to believe it. We would be separating tomorrow. This was it. Our last day and night here. The trip was coming to a bittersweet close and I had no idea what was to come. Colby hadn't really pushed me away like I expected him to do. No, instead it felt like we had gotten closer over the last couple of days. I had known a couple of days ago that he was going to end it with me and I was prepared to argue, to fight tooth and nail for what I wanted. Now, I didn't know where I stood, and I was kind of terrified to find out. "Did you get that on film Sam?" Colby asked, leaning forwards a bit so that I was jostled on his lap. Sam looked up at him through the rearview mirror. "Yeah I did brother. I think I did. Let's hope that the camera actually caught it because this is the best footage we've gotten of real actual proof, if it did," Sam replied excitedly, his voice still full of nervousness. Colby nodded and sat back, looking out the window at the sun setting. "You okay?" I asked quietly, leaning back against him again. He glanced at me and smiled, before looking out the window again. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking." "Is it something we need to talk about?" I asked, not really wanting to know the answer. He looked over at me, sadness filling his eyes. Now I knew where we stood and I knew what was going to happen, no matter how hard I fought. "Not right now. Let's just enjoy the time we have left together before we have to face reality." I nodded, and turned my head away from him, closing my eyes against the tears that were threatening to fall. "You guys want to go out to eat, get take out, or go back to the little restaurant. "Let's go out. Somewhere unique, different. Somewhere you can get amazing, country fried food, so unhealthy that your gut loves you and hates you at the same time," Corey replied, shifting in his seat. Denise laughed at what he had said. "I know just the place," she replied, taking out her phone. She looked around at where we were at, then typed in something on her phone. A few minutes later, she pointed up ahead. "Take that left," she told Sam. He followed her directions until we pulled up in front of an old style wooden panel, two story home. "This is a restaurant?" Jake asked, looking out the windshield at the rustic looking place. "Yep," Denise replied. "I came here a couple of times when my family and I were on vacation here. It's really good." "Um..." Colby said, looking out the window at the place. "What is it?" Sam asked, looking at him. "This is on the list," Colby replied, giving Sam a look. "Are you serious?" Sam sighed, glancing at the building. Colby nodded. "Yeah. Hold on, I'll tell you the story." "Hold on, what list?" Corey asked. "Is this place haunted too? I swear, is there any place here that isn't supposedly haunted?" I laughed and shook my head. "Not really. Savannah is the most haunted town in Georgia. It's pretty much like the entire city is haunted." Corey sighed, and let his head fall back. We climbed out of the car and stood there for a moment looking at the old building. "Okay, so how is this place haunted then?" Jake asked, taking in the scenery. "Well, It is said that sailors were lured to the inn by the promise of a hot meal, a bed for the night and plenty of alcohol. However, once they had passed out for the night they would be dragged by smugglers down to the basement and through a tunnel leading to the Savannah River. When they woke up the next day they would be miles away, sold into service on ships. Some of the sailors did not make it out of the tunnel and it has been said that the moans and disembodied voices of these men can be heard drifting up from the tunnels. There have also been reports of apparitions in the upstairs rooms which now serve as a restaurant," Sam read from his phone. "Oh wow...can't we just eat in peace?" Corey whined a little. "Come on, let's get some of this southern food that that you wanted so badly," Colby said, hooking his arm through Corey's. Corey looked at him all sweet, and pretended to blush. "Okay," he said shyly, then they both started to skip towards the entrance. Denise and I busted out laughing, watching them go. "M'Lady," she said, holding out her arm. I shrugged. "Why the fuck not?" I replied, before hooking my arm in hers, then skipped along with her, behind the guys. Sam and Jake did the same, and followed up behind us. The bystanders just watched us. Some laughed, while some shook their heads, but I really didn't care. I was having fun.

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