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"Oh God," I whispered, turning to face Colby. "I didn't get you um," he cleared his throat. "A Sex on My Face, ehm, but I got you a White Claw. Black Cherry. Wasn't sure what you drink." I took the can that he was offering, looked down at it, unsure of what to say besides "thanks." "Figured I owed you a drink after the way I spoke to you. Didn't expect you to disappear before I got it though. Sam told me that you guys came upstairs."I looked up at him as he leaned back against the bar, resting his elbows on it, looking around the upstairs area. "I like the vibes up hear better though," he said, moving his head to the music, looking over to me. "Makes me almost nostalgic with this music," he said, winking at me. The bartender placed my drink in front of me, and I reached my free hand out to take it. Hadn't opened the White Claw yet. Wasn't even sure if I should mix my alcohol like that. Like I said before, it's been a while since I drank. Colby's hand reached the drink before mine did, and I just watched, open mouthed, as he kept his eyes locked on mine, pressing his lips to my glass, and sipping the drink. "Hmmm, not bad," he replied, licking the excess moisture from his lips. "Doesn't really remind me of the name, but not bad." I couldn't stop the gasp that left my lips from his statement, and I felt all the blood rushing to my face, making it flame up. He busted out laughing from the look on my face, a loud, pure joyful laugh that had me that reminded me of past videos that I had watched. For some reason, it made me happy that I was the one to cause that, even though it was only because he had embarrassed me. "I thought you watched my videos," he exclaimed. "I- I do. All the time," I replied, still a little unsure as to what was happening. I thought he was pissed at me, then he bought me a drink, found me all the way upstairs, tasted my drink, then said something perverted. Was this real life? "Then why do you look so surprised by what I said?" he asked, raising his eyebrows with a small smile on his face. I felt my face blame up even more, and bit my lip before answering. "Because...because you said it to me. A girl that you don't know. A fan. Just didn't expect it, is all." The smile left his face, and he pursed his lips. "You know what, you're right. That was over the line. I shouldn't have said that to you. I'm sorry." I giggled nervously, and shook my head. "It's fine. Just unexpected. I'm not an innocent little girl." He raised his eyebrows, a little smirk crossing his face, then bit his lip, releasing it slowly. "Good to know," he replied, his voice a little deeper than usual. Oh WHAT THE FUCK?! Was Colby Brock flirting with me?? No, nope, that wasn't happening. That wouldn't happen in a million years. I took a deep breath, and tore my eyes away from his gaze, towards the dance floor. What I saw was...unexpected. The rest of the gang had come up with Colby apparently, and they were on the dance floor, dancing with my friends. I felt like I was in a dream again. "Wanna join them?" "Huh?" I asked, a little out of it, when I glanced back at him and met his intense blue gaze. "Do you wanna go dance?" He motioned towards the rest of the group. "Looks like they're having fun." Why did he always have to hold my gaze like this? I couldn't fucking thing straight when he was looking at me. His eyes were just so damn beautiful..."Well?" "Huh? Oh yeah, sorry. Yeah, I wanna dance." There you go Terra, make yourself idiotic bitch, instead of just a bitch. He held his hand out to me, and I just looked at it for a second, before taking it. I think my brain was going into overload. "Oh, um, I'm sorry that I was rude to you earlier. I know you were just trying to help. I get a little sensitive when someone tries to make my choices for me. Anyways, I'm sorry," I said, as he walked in front of me a little, pulling me towards the floor by my hand. We reached this little table that had a few drinks on it. He set his down, then reached for the can that I still had in my hand, placing it on the table. Then pulled me with him again. He looked back, over his shoulder at me, just as we reached the dance floor, then jerked my hand a little, and spun me out onto the floor. "Don't worry about it. You had every right to get upset. Water under the bridge. Now let's dance." I watched him wiggle his hips a little, and do something, not sure what that waving around was, with his hands. I laughed, but started dancing with the rest of the group. Denise shot me a wide grin as she mimicked Sam doing some kind of crazy shit. The crackhead energy was alive and well on the dance floor tonight. And so we danced like no one was watching. Brennen got a little handsy with Sarah but it didn't look like she minded. Kenzie and Denise danced around Sam, acting like total crackheads...until Colby caught Sam's eye. "Should we?" he yelled over the music, tilting his head. Sam cracked that beautiful ass smile of his, and nodded. "Hell yeah brother," he yelled back. Colby looked back to me and leaned closer to my ear. His warm breath washed over my flushed skin, making goosebumps pop up. "You might wanna back up." I furrowed my brow in confusion but did as he asked. Denise, Kenzie, and I all stepped back out of the way in time to see Sam and Colby start jumping up and down. "Oh no, they're- they ARE!" I screamed, unable to contain my excitement. They were doing the DANCE. The dance that they used to do when they went on tour. Which meant that...yep, oh holy shit! 

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