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"Bunk with them," I whispered to her as we were walking. She nodded, and smiled a little. Colby spoke to Sam quietly again, as Sarah, Kenzie, and Denise all said goodnight and walked into their room. Kat didn't even speak, just nodded, and went into Sam's room. She looked really tired. Sam smiled at me, then clapped Colby on the back. "G'night guys," he said, then walked into his room. Colby's gaze met mine, that intense fucking stare, and I swallowed hard, my throat feeling like sandpaper was inside of it. I turned back to my door and slid the key card in, fumbling with it a little, then turning the handle. I walked in, dropping my stuff in the corner, very aware that Colby was behind me. "Um, do you want to take a shower or anything?," I asked nervously, turning back to meet his gaze. He was still just staring, standing right in front of me since I had turned. He shook his head, and smiled a little. "With you?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. I almost choked on my own saliva. "Uh no, that's not what I meant. I need to take a shower, so I thought you might want to take one. I didn't mean together though, I mean, I don't know. I just-" "Calm down Baby Girl. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. That's not what this is about," he said softly, taking my hands in his. "Go take a shower. Maybe it'll help sooth those frazzled nerves you have. But before you go." He yanked me to him, making me gasp, just as his lips closed over mine, his tongue tracing them, before diving inside my mouth, pushing against my own tongue. He tasted like whiskey and watermelon gum. My new favorite flavor. I moaned, unable to keep it inside, as his hands found their place at the top of my ass and gripped the flesh there, pulling me harder against him. When he broke the kiss, my brain was scrambled. I just stared at him, trying to catch my breath as I got lost inside those intense blue eyes again. "Are you going?" he asked, sounding like he needed to clear his throat. "Huh?" Going where? What was I doing? I forgot. He smirked a little, and squeezed my ass, before letting me go. "To take a shower. I'll just wait here and play on my phone or something," he said, sitting down on the bed, propping up against the headboard, pulling out his phone. I nodded, and turned, walking towards the bathroom. "And Princess?" he called out. I turned back, just as I made it to the bathroom door. "Don't take too long," he replied, meeting my gaze. I swallowed hard, then dove inside the bathroom before I acted on my instinct and just ran and jumped into the bed with him. I rushed through the process of showering, thoroughly cleaning everywhere, shaving everywhere, doing everything I could think of. I turned the water off, and dried myself, and my hair. I applied my lotion, wrapped my towel around myself, then brushed my teeth twice. Fucking hell, I was nervous. We both knew what was happening tonight, we both wanted it...but what did it mean? I shook my head at my reflection. I doesn't matter. I'm about to have the best fucking night of my life, quiet literally, with Colby Brock. Who gives a fuck what it means? My heart tugged a little at that thought. I cared what it meant, but I shoved that thought away. I looked around for my clothes and realized that I had forgotten to bring any in the bathroom with me. All I had were my sandy beach clothes and bathing suit. And Colby's hoodie. "Fuck," I said, picking his hoodie up from where I had dropped it on the bathroom floor. This would have to work...I didn't even have underwear. I slipped the hoodie on over my head, and looked in the mirror. It skimmed the top of my thighs, hanging an inch past my ass. I took the time to blow dry my hair too. Didn't want wet hair fucking up the mood. I took a deep breath, watching my reflection. "You can do this Terra. Don't be a little bitch. It's Colby Brock out there. Get it together." I nodded at myself, then turned and gripped the door handle, opening it and walking out, before I could talk myself out of it. Apparently, I had been in there longer than I thought because Colby was on the bed still, same position, but he had changed clothes. Now he was shirtless, his back against the headboard, legs straight out, crossed at the ankles, wearing a pair of grey sweatpants. Ohhh I remember those sweatpants. I loved those pants. I swallowed hard again, and it actually hurt my throat from the force. His eyes came up from his phone to meet mine, and his lips parted, taking in my appearance. He cleared his throat and ran his fingers through his hair. "Um, I think you can keep the hoodie. It looks better on you than it ever will me." I let out a short nervous laugh, and pulled at the hem, very aware that I wasn't wearing any underwear. He stood up, wiped his palms on his pants leg, then took the few steps towards me. He placed his hands gently on my hips, and looked down into my eyes. "Are you sure you wanna do this? I can't make you any promises Terra. There are too many factors involved. But if you want to give me this one night, then I'll take it and I'll make sure it's a night you never forget." Oh God, I wanted this. I wanted it so bad, my core was throbbing, along with my heart. I nodded, and put my arms around his neck. "I want this," I replied softly. "Oh thank God," he said, gripping my hips tighter, and pulling my body against his, before crashing his lips down on mine. His movements were frenzied, fierce, and intense. 

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