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 "We're going out tonight and I'm trying to catch a nap before we go, buuuuuttt the people next door to us," He flashed the camera to the wall, then back to him. "Won't stop blasting their music! Sounds like they're already having a good time. It's okay though, I like their taste," he ended it with a little chuckle, then the video went off. "Oh my God," I said laughing, before I got up and turned the music off. "That was about ten minutes ago. He could've just came and asked us to turn it down, what the fuck?" "Because he knew we would watch it! He likes to 'sub-story' shit," Denise replied, laughing. "I'm glad he didn't come over though, considering that we're in here with robes on, and wet hair," I said, glancing towards the mirror that was in front of my bed. Yeah, definitely didn't want him coming over right now." "Oh shut up, he's see you in less," Sarah said, walking into our room, with Kenzie close behind. They were both in their robes too. We didn't want to put our outfits on until we were finished eating. "Look who's talking," I replied, raising my eyebrows at her. "Did you forget that you were literally wearing a hoodie and underwear with your ass shining to them all? Poor Sam turned into a tomato!" She just shrugged, and walked to my bed, falling across it on her stomach, before propping up on her elbows. "You were in less, and I'm sure it's not the first ass that he's seen. Might I remind YOU that you were literally NAKED, with nothing but a towel covering that cute little body, in front of Colby Brock? Did you forget? Cuz I'm pretty sure that you wish you would've been wearing a hoodie," she quipped back, smiling at me innocently. I popped her ass with my hairbrush that I had been holding. "Shut the fuck up," I said, as she let out a yelp. Her smile turned wicked then and I knew she was about to something that would embarrass the fuck out of me. "Don't-" "TERRA, DIDN'T KNOW THAT YOU LIKED IT ROUGH! YOU'RE GOING TO SPANK ME?! OOOO T, I DIDN'T KNOW YOU FELT THAT WAY ABOUT ME," She started screaming loudly. "Oh my God, Sarah, SHUT UP!" I whisper yelled, feeling my face flush. "I THOUGHT YOU ONLY WANTED COLBY BUT YOU CAN HAVE ME TOO! YES MAMIII," she cried, shuffling off of my bed as I went to hit her again. She started moaning loudly, getting closer to the wall that connected our room to theirs. "I hate you," I groaned, jumping up to chase her. Just then Denise's phone got a notification, and my head shot over to her. She looked up and met my gaze, her eyes widening. "Uh, Colby posted another story...along with Brennen, Jake, and Sam." "Oh NO," I replied, already knowing what they had posted. I could feel it in my bones. She pressed the screen, and I heard Sarah's muffled screams fill the room, starting with the word rough. "Oh dear God,"I said, sitting next to Denise, covering my mouth with my hand. Brennen was on the screen, not speaking, just looking from the wall, back to his phone. Then Sarah screamed "I thought you only wanted Colby" and he started giggling, and pointed the phone to Colby, who was still lying in bed shirtless, holding his own phone out, while pressing his lips together. Fuck. Brennen's story ended and Jake's was next. Basically the same thing, only Jake and Tara were in the screen, and Tara was trying to make him stop recording. "Stop it Tara, this is gold content. Look, they're crackheads. We're gonna make a youtube-" Tara's hand covered the screen and the story ended. Denise started Sam's next. "Soooo..." his gorgeous face popped up on the screen, his eyebrows raised over those bright blue eyes, as he rubbed the chin strip that looked so good on him. "I think there is something happening next door...should we call someone?" He asked, looking worried, but we could tell he was joking. His ended and the one I was most nervous for started. "Well...guys..." Colby's rough sleepy voice sent chills over my body. "I don't think I'm going to be sleeping," he replied, rubbing his face with his free hand. His rings glinted in the light and even though this was super embarrassing for me, I couldn't help but to start admiring his damn hands. What the fuck was wrong with me? "Seems like the neighbors are having a great time though," he said, just as Sarah's voice got louder with the words 'wanted Colby' before she screamed 'Yes Mamiii.' He pressed his lips together, his eyebrows shooting into his head, as he looked towards Brennen. "Okaayyy," he cleared his throat. "I think I'm just gonna get," Sarah's moans got louder, and he started giggling. "Yeah, I'm not sleeping. Maybe I'll get something to eat. Maybe I'll go see what they're doing next door. Sounds like fun. Later guys," he said smiling, then threw up two fingers in a peace sign, before ending the story. The room was quiet when it stopped playing. I slowly looked up at Sarah, who was speechless for once. "I really fucking hate you right now," I said, my voice low. Her eyes were wide, but her face was full of humor, as she shrugged. "Um...oops?" I threw one of the smaller pillows off of Denise's bed towards her. "OOPS?" I yelled. "I'm gonna actually kill you one of these days!" I heard laughter coming from the next room, so I took a deep breath and quieted down. They were listening. They knew we had seen the damn stories. I kind of hated them right now too. Assholes. Not really, but kind of. I ran my hand through my still damp hair. "When is room service gonna be here? Let's just eat and get ready," I said in resignation. 

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