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I should know better by now how those blue eyes affect me, but damn it, I couldn't help myself. He squeezed my waist, before letting one of his hands move down to my upper thigh and rest there. I swear I could feel the heat from his palm burning through my jeans. I had really missed him. I had missed being with him, feeling his body next to mine, feeling his lips caress my skin...ugh damn it. Not a good time to be feeling this, stuck in a tiny car with all of his friends, and Denise. I clenched my legs against the ache building there, shifting on his lap a little. He groaned and clenched my thigh, causing me to catch his eye again. The look in his eye had me realizing what I had done. "Oops," I mouthed, smiling apologetically. His tongue darted out, wetting his bottom lip before his top teeth sank down into it. His eyes stayed on mine, burning into me, like a hot poker. I couldn't even blink until Jake called his name, causing him to look away from me. "Did we bring the Ouija board Colby? I wanna ask the ghosts if they wanna play tag," Jake said, looking down at his phone. Colby's forehead creased, but he smiled slightly and shook his head. "No, we left it in the room. Too much energy in a cemetery, remember?" It sounded like he was talking to his much younger brother, trying to appease him. In a way, that's exactly how I saw them. Jake was obviously smart in his own way, thinking of things that others didn't bother with, but delving into these subjects with a complexity that had surprised me at first. All other times, he was the younger brother that purposely did things just to annoy the others, especially Colby. I was almost certain that Jake was ADHD. Jake glanced over his shoulder at Colby and pouted. "But I wanted to play with the ghosts," he replied in a pitiful voice. Colby chuckled. "Next time brother," he answered. Jake smiled and went back to his phone, texting Tara probably. I glanced over to Denise and Corey. They were whispering back and forth, giggling like two school girls while they shot glances at me and Colby. "Seriously?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at them. "Yeah, we don't like secrets," Colby chimed in, having noticed them too. Corey shrugged, and let the sweetest of smiles cross his face. "It was nothing. Just girl talk." Denise snorted, then covered her mouth to stop the laughter from escaping, while her body shook with it. I rolled my eyes at her. I actually hated knowing that someone was talking about me, and wouldn't tell me what was being said. I knew it wasn't bad, because it was Denise and Corey, but it still irked me. I pursed my lips at her, and gave her a deadpan look. She just started giggling again and hid her face in Corey's arm. Could you be more obvious that you are head over heels for him, Neece? I couldn't blame her though. She was taking advantage of an incredible situation. I don't think that I was that blatantly obvious when I first met Colby though. No, I was more of a bumbling fool that couldn't stop embarrassing myself. Just then, Sam hit a massive pothole, causing me to bounce on Colby's lap so hard that I hit my head on the roof of the car, then slammed back down on him. "OH!" He groaned out, kind of loudly. I slapped my hand over my mouth, and stared at him wide eyed. His eyes were closed, and he was grimacing, biting his lip. He looked like he was in pain. "I'm so sorry!"I exclaimed. "That was Sam's fault!" "Hey!" Sam yelled from in front of me. "I didn't 'see it. These roads are black." "Are you okay?" I asked softly, placing my hand on his cheek. He opened his eyes, and I saw his iris contract, obscuring the blue. "No," he whispered, before grabbing the back of my head, tangling his fingers into my hair and yanking my face towards his own. Our lips connected with so much force, it literally had my head spinning. I yelped in surprise but as soon as I felt his mouth touch mine, I melted into him, letting my own hands work their way into his hair. His other hand tightened on my hip, digging his fingers into the flesh just under the hem of my shirt. His tongue forced my mouth open, then dove inside, fighting for dominance that I was willingly giving to him. "Oh for fuck sake, can you guys NOT keep it in your pants? Is that just not possible? We're actually sitting right next to you! Stop it!" I heard Denise's voice, like from far away, but it didn't matter. It wasn't important. The only thing that mattered right now was Colby's lips on mine, and pressing my body as close to him as possible. He growled into my mouth, igniting a fire in my belly, and I tightened my hands in his hair. "Stop it right the fuck NOW!" I felt someone pull my arm sharply, as Colby growled again, then snatched his mouth away from mine. I actually whimpered when his lips left mine. Then I came to my senses as I noticed that Denise, Corey, and even Jake were watching us. I placed my fingers lightly over my mouth. "Oops," I said quietly, feeling my face start to flame up. Colby removed his hand from my hair and placed it back on my thigh. "Later," he whispered. It sounded like a threat and a promise, which had me clenching my legs together hard. Denise shook her head while Corey laughed. "Aw, why'd you stop? It was just getting interesting," Jake pouted from the front seat. "Jake shut up. Colby, I know you missed T, but keep it in your pants when you're around people, okay?" 

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