127 Colby's POV

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 We all piled back into the car, only this time, I got in the driver's seat and Sam let Terra have the front passenger seat. "So does this mean that I have to sit in Jake's lap now?" Sam asked, waiting for everyone to get situated in the back seat. "Not have too," Corey said, smiling. "Get too. Or you can sit in mine Sammy." He fluttered his eyelashes at Sam, making us all laugh a little. Eventually, they worked out that Denise would sit on Corey's knee, if she felt comfortable doing that. She agreed, and blushed as she settled onto his leg, holding onto the back of Terra's seat to stay stable while balancing there. I caught Corey's eye and he winked before grinning and looking down at his phone. I turned on one of my playlists, so that we could listen to it while we headed back to the Inn. Terra started singing along, doing dance movements with her arms. I was having a hard time keeping my eyes on the road, because I wanted to watch her so badly. Her face was happy. Joy shining from her eyes, and the laughter coming from her perfect mouth, as she looked back at Denise and got her to join in. Even Corey started singing and doing his dance moves the best he could in the car. Denise bounced on his leg with his movements, and laughed. We all eventually joined in on the singing, laughing when Jake would change the words to make it perverted, or Sam started doing some kind of movements with his arms. We had fun, and that was something I was really going to miss when this trip was over. I knew that I was going to be hurting for a very long time. Not just because I would lose Terra, but because I would be hurting her. I did this though. I kept this going, let her believe that it could be more. I deserved whatever misery was coming my way for that and I would accept it. I sighed and turned the music up a little louder, to drown out their awful singing. We made it back to the Inn with a few hours to spare before 3 am. Sam and I took all of the supplies back to our room, and everyone trailed after us. "So what are we doing?" Jake asked, falling back on my bed, and pulling his paddle ball out of his pocket. I didn't even know he still had it with him. I swear ever since he quit vaping, that was his new addiction. At least it was healthier. I should probably work on quitting myself. I didn't do it as often as I used too, but I still did it. "I guess we're going to wait until the witching hour, then see what we can get in our room. It's supposed to be Anna's old room and I know what I saw last night. You guys saw some of it too. If anyone needs to rest up before then, I'd advise you to go take a nap for a couple of hours or something. I want everyone in on this." Sam turned to the girls. "Are you two going to join us? It might get pretty intense." "Wait! Are we just not going to talk about how BLOOD actually came from the statue's eyes and how the wind picked up then just stopped like it did? Are we not going to talk about how fucking scary and insane that was?" Corey blurted out, his wide gaze hopping from one of us to the next. "I don't want to do any damn seance or Ouija board shit. This is getting too crazy for me."  "Yeah, same. I don't want to do this either. The graveyard was too much. I think that these spirits are too powerful or something. I don't like the feelings that I'm getting," Denise replied, her voice shaking a little. "You're sure you don't want to be involved Corey? There's no going back once we start," Sam said, raising his eyebrows. Corey nodded. "Yea bro, I'm sure. Definitely sure. I want to go watch tv and forget about ghosts for tonight. Hopefully, they let me sleep peacefully." Sam sighed. "Okay. If that's what you want. We aren't going to try and force you to do it. I was actually surprised that you didn't back out of the graveyard trip. So, thanks for doing that with us." Corey nodded again and grinned. "It won't happen again like that, so savor it." I laughed along with Sam. Terra was just standing there, next to Denise, not saying a word. She was looking down at her hands while she twisted her rings. "Terra?" I said softly, getting her attention. She looked up and met my gaze, her aqua eyes troubled. "You okay?" She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Yeah, I'm okay. I was just...well, I was thinking about that little girl. Gracie. What happened to her? How did she die? Spirits are stuck on earth usually because they died in a tragic or violent manner. She was just a kid." Her eyes started to water, and my heart ached for how emotional she was getting over a little girl's ghost that had basically almost just tried to kill us. I put my camera down on the bed next to Sam, and crossed the few steps to her. I put my arms around her and pulled her in for a hug. "I think it's sweet that's what you're thinking about," I told her as I pulled back and kissed her softly on the lips. Her eyes were still glassy, and she sniffed a little, then bit her lip. "I just wonder what happened is all. Why is she stuck here? It's just so sad." I nodded, and stroked my hand down her hair. "It is, but what can we do about it?" She shrugged. "I don't know. I'm not sure that I'm ready for more paranormal activity though. I think I'm just going to go to my room for the rest of the night." I nodded. If it was affecting her this deeply, then she shouldn't be involved anyways. Maybe she was more sensitive to things like Corey was. I don't know. "Okay. We won't be getting started for another few hours though. You wanna hang out and watch YouTube for a while or...you just want to go to  your room?" 

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