197 Colby's POV

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He went to push my hands away from her, where I had placed them on her leg. I jerked my hand away before he could touch me, and stared at him. "I'm not leaving," I told him, this time making my own voice hard. I wasn't going anywhere, and he was starting to piss me off. "You LEAVE!" I replied, unable to stop myself from raising my voice. "You're the one who put her here! You're the one who wasn't watching the road! This is your FUCKING FAULT! YOU LEAVE!" I was yelling at the end of my rant, breathing hard, trying to stop myself from just fucking this little bitch up. I was only holding myself back because I didn't think Terra would want me to hurt him. That, and I didn't want to be kicked out of the hospital. Justin's eyes grew wide, then he glared at me. "FUCK YOU! THIS IS YOUR FAULT, ASSHOLE! WE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN ARGUING IF IT HADN'T BEEN FOR YOU!SHE WOULDN'T BE IN THE HOSPITAL IF IT WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN FOR YOU! YOU KEEP FUCKING WITH HER HEAD! HAVEN'T YOU DONE ENOUGH? DRIVING HER TO DRUGS? YOU JUST DROPPED HER LIKE A BAD HABIT, AND LEFT HER, KNOWING THAT SHE LOVED YOU! DON'T YOU BLAME THIS ON ME! "Every word he spoke made me grow more and more angry, but also guilty. Because he wasn't entirely wrong. Her life had been fine before I came along and upended it. But I wasn't the one who had been behind the wheel, more concerned with arguing with her about some guy, than I was of her safety. "Justin, stop it," Denise replied, getting in between us again. He turned his glare to her, instead of me. "Neece, move," I growled, keeping my eyes trained on Justin. She turned her head to me, and held my gaze. "No. You two aren't going to do this in here. NOT while T is laid up in a hospital bed. I know that you both love her and there are some issues that need to be handled, BUT NOT RIGHT NOW. So you can BOTH shut the fuck up, or GET THE FUCK OUT!" I raised my eyebrows, surprised at her outburst. I mean,  anyone who knew Denise, knew that she had a mouth and wasn't afraid to use it, but I don't remember her ever using it towards me. I sighed and nodded at her. "You're right." I let my gaze travel back to Justin. "We can handle this some other time," I said, keeping my voice level this time. He looked from me, to Denise, then back to me, and nodded sharply. "Fine." He looked away from me, and took his seat in the chair that was next to Terra's head. I wasn't happy about that, but I wasn't going to start a fight here. So I grabbed one of the chairs on the other side of her bed, and pulled it closer so that I could take her hand in mine. I felt Justin's glare on me, but I ignored it and turned my attention to T. "Terra, baby girl, I know that you heard us talking earlier. I hope that you can hear me now. I need you to be strong. To come out of this. You're my fighter, and I know you have it in you. You're so strong baby girl. You can beat this." "Can you stop?" Justin growled out. "Stop calling her these pet names. She isn't yours to do that." I kept my eyes locked on Terra's face and ignored him. I heard Denise sigh loudly from the chair at the foot of the bed. "Terra, baby, please wake up. It's Justin. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I should've been watching the road," Justin said, holding her fingers that weren't covered by the cast. His own cast was big and bulky, covering most of his left arm, and he had a few deep scratches and some bruising around his face and neck, but that's all I could see. "Damn right you should've been," I muttered, unable to help myself. He glared at me for a second, but then kept speaking to Terra. "I forgive you baby. For all of it. We can work it out. I just need you to wake up. Please." I rolled my eyes, and sat back in my chair. "Forgive her? Really bro? She's in the fucking hospital because of your non driving ass and YOU forgive HER? How?" I asked, holding out my hands, palms up. I couldn't comprehend what he was saying. It didn't make sense. "Yeah Colby, I forgive her. Because of you fucking with her head. I don't know why she's so stuck on you, but you fuck her up. You make her do things that she wouldn't normally do. Before you, she wouldn't have snuck out in the middle of the night and gone to a bar. She's wouldn't be hiding texts from me, and lying to me about everything. She wouldn't fucking be KISSING other guys." I smirked at him, letting one corner of my lips draw up in a smile. "Oh, she told you about that huh? That wasn't on me bro. T did that all on her on." He closed his eyes, blocking me out, then looked at Terra when he opened them, ignoring me. He looked guilty as hell. Then something clicked. "Is that why you had the wreck? Because she told you about the kiss?" He didn't answer me, but I saw his jaw clench and I couldn't stop the grin that grew on my face. She told him. I didn't know why she had told him but I didn't really care. He wouldn't be so threatened by me, if she didn't care. He saw that she cared about me, and it was eating him alive. Normally, I would feel bad, especially since he was a good guy. BUT he was the reason she was in this hospital bed, so he deserved a little torture. "Yeah, that was one hell of a kiss. T has always been an amazing kisser though. Those lips, ugh. And that tongue! The way she moved it, just letting it dance around your lips and inside your mouth." 

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