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All of my friends were doing their final touches too, by the time I finished, and they all looked absolutely amazing. Denise could not have been any hotter, with that suit against her tanned skin. Kenzie had on a hot pink one piece with the midriff part open and crisscrossed across her body. Sarah...well Sarah was a lot braver than the rest of us but she pulled it off. She was wearing the tiniest of bikinis in an emerald green color. The top was strapless, with open slits above her breasts, then the bottom was mostly string, covering all the private places. Besides the fact that her ass was hanging out. "Damn Sarah...you could just go naked," I replied, giving her the once over. She winked at me, and spun around. "I would if they would allow it." I shook my head but smiled at my friend. I may not agree with her choices, but damn if she didn't pull it off and not give a fuck what anyone thought. I had only put on a little waterproof eyeliner and mascara, with some gloss so that I didn't look dead. It was a pool party, so a lot of makeup wasn't a good idea. The other girls thankfully had the same idea. Denise pulled a pair of shorts on, with a Columbia jersey on over her suit, while Sarah went with a skimpy black pullaround that she left hanging open. Kenzie had a sarong that she tied around her waist, and that was it. We all slid our sandals on, grabbed whatever we needed, like our towels, took pics to post on our social media and headed out the door. Only to run smack into Sam, Colby, Brennen, Jake, and Tara. All dressed to go to the pool. "Oh," I said, stopping in my tracks before I ran into Colby's chest, yet again. He caught my eye, then looked at Sam, and ran his fingers through his hair. "So, you guys going down to the pool too?" he asked. I furrowed my brow at him and looked at my friends, motioning with my hands. "I mean...you can see their bathing suits...so, yeah." I was nervous. The smart ass came out sometimes, plus I was a little angry at him for not speaking to me at all since he kissed me. I mean, he did that, not me. He initiated it, then told me it was a mistake, and never said another word to me. That was just...UGH. "Yeeahh," he said awkwardly, shifting his towel up onto his shoulder. "Uh, you guys wanna-" "Hey, it's Sam and Colby!" A guy's voice rang out through the hallway as a group of people basically ran up to us. "Oh hey guys, how's it going?" Sam said. "Oh my God, I can't believe we just ran into you," one girl gushed looking at them all with adoring eyes. I knew the feeling. "Yeah, we're just about to go down to the pool party so we'll see you guys there, okay?" "Wait, can we get some pictures with you first? Really quick?" the guy asked. "Sure," Colby replied instantly, a smile crossing his face. They never said no to the fans. The group started talking with them as they snapped pictures on their phones, holding them at bay. "Come on," I whispered, pulling Denise's arm, and nodding at Kenzie and Sarah. "We aren't gonna wait on them?" She whispered back. I shook my head and kept walking. "Nope. There's no point. They're gonna be a while." I glanced back over my shoulder and saw Colby watching me, but I sighed and looked away. I don't know why I'm doing this to myself. Pushing it from my mind, I joined in on the conversation that the girls were having about where to sit once we reached the pool area. The sun was starting to set already so the lights around the pool were on, and they had fairy lights strung out through the palm trees. There were flashing disco lights that were going off to the beat of the music, and the DJ booth was set up back away from the pool, off to the side of the bar area. It was already packed with people. A lot of people. "Hurry, I see open seats on the other side," Sarah said, pointing towards the back of the pool. We started speed walking to get to the open seats, and thankfully made it without any problems. We picked our lounge chairs, and dumped our stuff. Denise and Kenzie settled back onto their chairs. "You're not going swimming?" I asked, pulling my shirt over my head. "In a few minutes. Just wanna sight see first," Denise said, smiling at a cute guy that was walking by. Kenzie raised her fingers and waved at him. "Kenzie!" I exclaimed in a low tone. She shrugged and smiled. "What? I just waved. Ryan is still being a bitch so I'm ignoring him. I came to have fun. Wow..."Okay then," I replied, proudly. "Sarah?" I asked. Shewas already in nothing but her bikini waiting on me, with her arms crossed. I finished undressing, and dropped my clothes on my chair, before following her to the pool. There weren't a lot of people in the water yet. I guess they were mostly just trying to see where their favorite influencers were at. I lowered myself into the water, expecting it to be cool, but it wasn't. Heated pool. It felt amazing. It wasn't a cold night, but the water would've been cold. I dunked myself under, letting the warmth close over me, before coming back up, shaking the water from my eyes, and pushing my hair back. I opened my eyes, blinking the water from them, and saw a set of the purest blue staring back at me, less than a foot away. There he was. Again. He was kneeling down on the edge of the pool, looking at me. "Hey Terra," he said, his voice gruff. His eyes flicked down over the exposed parts of my body quickly, then back to my eyes. I almsot felt the need to cover up with how intense his gaze got. "Hey," I breathed out, still wiping water from my face. 

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