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I stalked the few feet to the door just as Kenzie said "Listen, he's-" I pushed past her and cut her off, glaring at the young girls standing to the side of our door. "Leave now. This is ridiculous. I don't know who this Colby guy is but you guys are being so disrespectful right now. This is our room. You can't just camp out in front of our door. If you don't leave I'm calling management." The girl closest to the door, propped her hands on her hips with a snarky little attitude. She couldn't have been more than sixteen, if that. She flipped her platinum hair back, and I saw chunks of red and blue color in it as it fell back around her shoulders. "You obviously know who he is..." she pointed her long fingernail at my chest, and I looked down. "Fuck," I breathed out. I had forgotten that I was wearing my damn black Rose shirt from Colby's merch collection. I looked back up and met her smug gaze. "Okay, I know who he is, but that doesn't mean he's here! Besides, this is just rude. Let the man have some damn privacy. The meet and greet tomorrow is to talk to fans." "We figured out that there room is on this floor. Saw him come out of that room." She pointed to the guys room, then back to me. "I saw him go in here. I know I did." She tried to push past me to see inside my room. This girl was asking for trouble. Only, she was still a minor, and I would honestly get in trouble just for shoving her back. I couldn't stand girls like this. The ones who thought they could do whatever they wanted, and get away with it. I stepped back in front of her, blocking her view as the rest of my friends came up behind me. "Leave. Now. Do you really think Colby or the rest of the guys would thank you for this?" Denise asked, staring the girls down. I finally realized that the other girl, who had been standing there quietly the whole time had her hand down by side, with her phone in it. She turned slightly, and I saw that she was recording what was going on. "Are you serious right now?" I yelled. I threw my arm up, pointing down the hallway. "This is ridiculous. You guys call yourselves fans but you are doing nothing but hurting the guys right now. Trying to start something that isn't true, just to get attention. This fandom is supposed to be a family, yet there is always some kind of drama going on! The guys would be ashamed of you." I looked down the hallway, movement catching my eye, and noticed that there were at least another 15 people standing at the end. They looked like they were waiting on the girls to update them or something. Or waiting for Colby to come out. "Whatever," the first girl replied, flipping her hair again. I wanted to snatch it out. "We just thought that Colby would be nice enough to talk to his fans that have spent so much money on him, for his merch, MetaLife, membership, AND PlayList tickets, just so we could meet him. A simple "hi" or something, but I guess we were wrong." She sighed loudly, exaggerating the sound. I rolled my eyes. "Colby, or any of the rest of the guys, don't MAKE you do any of that. You choose to do it yourself, just like we do. I'm sure you can tell him yourself at the Meet and Greet tomorrow. See what they have to say. They're too damn nice to bitchy fans like you though, so they'll probably just apologize. Especially Colby. He cares way too much about what you guys think, and it's sickening the way you treat him. Get out of my face, before I catch a charge." I was pissed now, unable to keep my anger in check for much longer. All I could think about was that this was probably one of the girls on Twitter or Insta that dragged the guys, especially Colby because he always seemed to get the worst end of the deal, every time they made one little move the fandom didn't agree with. The things that I had seen said about him honestly made me sick to my stomach. I didn't understand how you could claim to love someone and then say such hurtful things about them. "Whatever," she said again, flipping her hair as she turned so that it almost hit me in the face. I hadn't even realized that I had moved until I felt Denise's hand on my arm. I looked at her and she shook her head. "Don't." I stepped back to my original position, inside my door. "Just stay away from our room. Why do you think Colby would be in a fan's room anyways? That's ridiculous. Part of a fan fic. It'll never happen. C-ya BITCH!" I slammed the door, then turned around, breathing heavily. I had a feeling that they were still going to be hanging around this floor a lot. The guys were going to have to be super careful. Why didn't they prepare for this?! I stalked over to Colby who had just peered around the corner of the little hallway. "Are they gone?" he asked, stepping out. I stopped directly in front of him, having to look up since he was a good half a foot taller than me. Then I don't know what came over me. I poked him in his hard chest, and stared into his shocked blue eyes as I did. "What the hell is wrong with you guys? You know how they are! You know the fandom is fucking nuts and you know that you've needed security before so why the HELL didn't you bring security this time?? Or at least pay someone to bring your fucking food up?? How did they even find out which room you-" I sucked in a breath when his large hand came up and caught mine, the one that I had been steadily poking him with. "Could you not do that? It's actually starting to hurt a little." I got lost in his eyes just like that, my anger sedated, that feeling in my stomach starting again.

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