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"Besides, if I stay in there, that still leaves Colby with nowhere to sleep. Unless you let him sleep in the bed with you, and if that's what you guys are doing, great, but I'm just say-" "Okay, Necee, shut up," I replied, through gritted teeth. "Sooo, can you move? Cuz we wanna lie down?" she said, grinning at me wickedly. "Fuck off," I said, blowing out a breath, but I moved to stand, and Colby did the same. I guess we were doing this. I had been so relaxed and calm, just enjoying spending time with him, and now the nerves were back. Why? This was no different than what we had been doing, just a switching rooms. "Alright, you kids have fun, and don't do anything I wouldn't dooo!" Tara called out as we left the room. Colby shut the door, and rolled his eyes. "You'd think we were in middle school or something, Jesus." I giggled a little, noticing the shakiness back in my voice. Because, unless we stayed up all night, I was going to sleep in the same room as Colby Brock. What if I snored? What if I talked in my sleep? What if he woke up before me and saw me lying there, drooling on my pillow with my hair all in knots? These are the thoughts that ran through my head, as we walked towards my room door. I slid the card into the slot and opened the door, my eyes quickly scanning the dim room for anything that might be lying out that he didn't need to see. Dirty underwear, random bras, ANYTHING. It looked safe, so I stepped back and allowed him inside, closing the door behind him. He automatically went to my bed, and made himself comfortable, sitting back against the headboard. "Is this your bed?" He asked, when I just kind of stood there awkwardly. I nodded, and walked around to the other side, sitting down. "Well, I'll be sure to move when we go to sleep. Deal?" I shrugged and kind of smiled. "Sure." What was I supposed to say to that? That I didn't want him to move but I was too much of a wimp, and had stupid moral values that prohibited me from making that step? Not that I even knew that he wanted to take that step...just shut up and stop thinking so much! What was it about him that turned me into an over anxious ball of overthinking every single thing I did? It was the stare...maybe it was the rings....or the way his muscles flexed when he moved, making my eyes catch the movement of his tattoos. Damn it, it was all of it. My mouth went dry whenever I allowed myself time to think, and realize what the hell was going on. That damn cut off he had pulled on was not helping me think straight though. "So, you're nervous again," he said, effectively pulling me back to reality. My gaze shot to his, and I shook my head quickly. "No. No, I'm not," I replied, clearing my throat. "I'm just, uh, I was thinking." "About what?" "About your cut offs," my mouth betrayed me. He cocked his eyebrow at me. "I'm sorry, what?" he asked, one side of his lips curving up. "Um..uh...yeah. Your cut off shirts. Um...I like them," I stammered out, feeling my face flame up, yet again. He let out a short laugh, and pinched at the material laying across his chest, pulling it out. "This old thing? Why, thank you," he joked, waving his hand in the air. I bit my lip, smiling at how easy he could make me relax after I let something stupid fall out of my mouth. "So, let's continue. What's your all time favorite horror movie?" So, it continued like that for another couple of hours, him asking me non stop questions, interjecting with his thoughts on my answers occasionally. We had both lay down on the bed by then, on our sides, facing each other. I felt my eyes fighting to stay open as I stared into his own heavy blue ones. "Okay," he said, yawning. "Last question. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?" I smiled, letting my eyes fall closed. "This," I replied softly, feeling sleep take me over. There was nothing I could do to stop it as the I slipped off into that warm, dark, dream world. "Feels like someone else's life," I muttered, turning over on the bed, so that my back was facing him. Then I dreamed. I dreamed of a world where this could actually happen, where I could love him freely, and him love me in return. Where we could talk until the dawn light broke through windows, then I could fall asleep in his arms. I could almost feel his arm wind around my waist and pull me against him. His warm breath on my neck as he rested his head behind my own. "What is it about you Princess?" I shivered, relishing being inside my fantasy world, wanting to stay there as long as possible. A shrill, ringing sound dragged me from my slumber, and I threw my arm out to kill the annoying device that it was coming from on the bedside table. Why did I have my alarm set? I didn't remember. I felt like I hadn't slept at all. I heard a groan next to me and froze. There was a heavy weight around my waist from someone's arm, their warm hand resting against the bare skin of my stomach where my shirt had ridden up in my sleep. He flexed his arm, pulling me tighter against him, and I let myself relax into him. If this was real, then I would enjoy it. "Good morning Princess," his deep, raspy voice sounded in my ear, his warm breath washing over my skin sending shivers down my spine. "Good morning," I replied softly. He moved his arm, and stretched, sat up on the bed, running his hand through his mussed hair a couple of times. I sat up, then stood, stretching my stiff muscles, before grabbing my phone. "I'll be right back," I replied, not looking at him. "Bathroom." 

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