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Just as he took one more step, about five feet away from me, I took off in a dash, sprinting past him, hoping that I could get some help from the guys. I laughed giddily as I heard him curse, then start in after me. I had no doubt that he was going to catch me, but it was going to be be so fun when he did. I skidded to a halt next to the guys and Denise, grabbing Jake's shoulders so that he was in front of me. "Guys, we're filming here," Sam replied. "Sorry Sam," I said, shoving Jake to the right a little to dodge Colby's attack. "He started it." "Oh what the fuck, no I didn't!" Colby said indignantly. "This was allll you and you know it!" "Lies!" I blurted out, dodging around Jake, as Colby dove for me. He knocked Jake over in the process and landed on the ground, huffing out a breath from the impact. "Damn Colby, that hurt," Jake whined, rubbing his arm. I could see where it was bleeding a little from being skint. "Oh no Jake, I'm sorry," I said, jogging back over to where he was. He stood and wiped his hands on his pants. "It's okay, I'm good," he replied, giving me that cute little smile that made his deep dimples pop out. Jake's image portrayed to the world that he was hard and edgy, but in reality he was the sweetest, softest guy ever. "I can- WHOO COLBY!" I yelled, as I was literally flipped upside down and thrown over his shoulder. Damn it, I had let myself get caught without even a fight. "PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled, swatting at his ass, because that's how far he had me thrown over his shoulder, just letting me hang there. "No, I don't think so princess. You see, I think you need to be taught a lesson," he replied, his voice having a menacing tilt to it. I actually shivered from his tone, but not because I was afraid. I could never be afraid of him. It actually excited me when he got this way. He hefted me up, further onto his shoulder, then smacked my ass so hard, I felt the burn. "OUCH," I yelled out. "You ass!" "That's for poking my bruise," he said laughing a little. "But this...well, this is for taking an embarrassing picture of my ass." I knew what he was going to do before he did it, but I still wasn't prepared. One second, I was hanging over his shoulder, the next I was airborne for a moment before landing in the cold water from the dingy pond. It splashed over me, soaking me to the bone. It was shallow, so I had no problem standing up, spitting the dirty water from my mouth. "Damn it Colby," I whined, standing there looking like a drowned rat. "Now I have to go back to the room, shower AGAIN, and change. Did you really have to throw me in?" He just stood on the edge of the pond, laughing so hard, that he was actually gasping for air. He took out his phone and grinned. "Say cheese!" I flipped him off with both hands, as he snapped the picture. "I hate you," I replied. "You love me," he retorted back. I sucked in a breath as a look of surprise shot over his face. I had nothing to say. I was in shock. I knew that it was just a reflex reply but the fact that I knew I loved him, actually loved him, made it...well, I don't know what it made it, but I didn't know how to respond. Apparently, he didn't either, because he just held his hand out to me, to help me out of the water. I let him, then tried to wring the water out of my hair and my clothes. "Ugh, I feel gross," I said. The others laughing got my attention, and I looked up to find Sam filming the entire thing! "Hey! I thought we were trying to keep this quiet!" He just shrugged. "This is for our entertainment, not the audience." "Do you actually want to go back and change, or try to last? There's only one more place to go before we head back?" Colby asked, taking off his hoodie and handing it to me. "We can find a bathroom and you can use this as a shirt, until we get back. I'm sorry." He didn't look sorry. He looked like he was trying not to laugh again. "Fuck you Brock," I huffed out and snatched the hoodie from his hands. He cracked up for a second, then smirked at me. "Soon, love." I tried to ignore the butterflies in my stomach at those words and glared at him instead. "Hmph, I may not even let you get it, after this. I can resist you, ya know." Even I didn't believe that lie, as it fell from my mouth. "Yeah beautiful, I know. You can resist me, just as good as I can resist you," he retorted. I wasn't sure how to answer that either, so I just snapped my mouth shut, and walked away, towards the building that was in front of us. It was tourist information center, so I knew they would have a bathroom. After I took off my soaked cami, bra, and overshirt, I slipped the hoodie on over my head. Damn it, it smelled like him. Ugh, I couldn't even stay annoyed at him. It really wasn't fair. I joined the others, and let them laugh about the incident a little more. "I really am sorry T," Colby whispered, as Corey did an accurate impersonation of me flinging my wet hair from my face and spitting out water, then glaring at Colby. "I'm not mad Colby. As much as I hate to admit it...it was fun," I grudgingly replied. That little innocent smile crossed his face, as his blue eyes lit up. He looked so childlike in that moment. "Really? I wasn't sure if you actually got mad," he replied. I couldn't help but laugh at his hopeful expression. "Really. I don't like the fact that my clothes are soaked, bc my jeans are going to start chafing soon, but otherwise, I had fun" I said. He threw his arm around my shoulders, as we headed to the next place, then leaned over and put his lips next to my ear. "I knew there was something special about you baby girl." 

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